A Community for Everyone!

At Warrington Multicultural Communities, first-year college students can effectively navigate the challenges of college life, cultivate a sense of belonging, and develop the skills and support systems needed for their holistic development.

What will you get out of WMC?

  • You will be part of an empathetic and supportive community of multicultural students from various backgrounds in Heavener.
  • You will learn how to maximize your personal and professional learning, growth, and development.
  • You will develop your relationship building skills to foster resilience and self-worth.

NACE Competencies: Teamwork, Career & Self-Development, Leadership, Global and Cultural Intelligence​

Why WMC?

  1. Transition Support: Starting college can be a major life transition, often accompanied by feelings of isolation, uncertainty, and stress. It is important to develop supportive relationships during this period, emphasizing the need for students to build connections with peers, mentors, and support networks. By fostering these relationships, first-year students can find a sense of belonging, receive guidance, and cope better with the challenges they encounter.
  2. Empowerment: Mutually empowering relationships contribute to personal growth and well-being. First-year college students often face academic and personal challenges that may undermine their self-confidence. By engaging in empowering relationships, students can gain support, encouragement, and resources to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy.
  3. Inclusive Excellence: College students come from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. It is important to value and understand the perspectives of others. This awareness can help students develop stronger interpersonal skills, navigate differences, and build meaningful connections across cultures.
  4. Emotional Well-being: First-year college students may experience emotional challenges such as homesickness, stress, or anxiety. By fostering supportive relationships, students can have a safe space to express their emotions, receive validation, and develop emotional resilience. Sharing experiences, seeking support, and engaging in empathic relationships can contribute to improved mental health and overall well-being.
  5. Academic Success: By connecting with peers, professors, and academic resources, first-year college students can access valuable support systems and enhance their academic performance. Collaborative relationships can provide opportunities for mentorship, study groups, and shared learning experiences, promoting engagement, motivation, and a deeper understanding of course material.