Meet the Heavener Peer Advisors

  • Lila Patterson
    Lila Patterson

    Major: Finance

    I chose to be a HPA because… When I joined the business school it was really overwhelming. I want to help students navigate Heavener so they don’t have that feeling and can feel confident!

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Reach out! I’ve never met someone in Heavener who isn’t willing to help. Ask older students for advice or guidance and make connections!

  • Dani Sharpe
    Danielle Sharpe

    Major: Finance

    I chose to be a HPA because… to be a friendly face for first year students & help them be intentional with their time at UF!

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Try new things and stay open minded! You can learn from every experience and any rejections along the way are just proof you are putting yourself out there & challenging yourself.

  • Julianna Quinn
    Julianna Quinn

    Major: Business Administration Specializing in Wealth Management

    I chose to be a HPA because… Heavener has provided me with so many resources to grow both personally and professionally, and I want to give back to the school that has made my college journey so amazing! I have a passion for giving back to students and providing them with the resources to be successful. Working with first-year students is so rewarding, and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to make an impact on their college journeys.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Get involved! Involvement is a great way to find what you are passionate about and meet amazing people along the way. Creating these connections and learning new things can be so impactful in your undergraduate journey.

  • Anna Haydostian
    Anna Haydostian

    Major: Business Management

    I chose to be a HPA because… I love being able to meet business gators and help others find their passions. I have had so many impactful mentors in my UF career and HPAs gives me an opportunity to make a difference and give back.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Say yes to whatever you can. There are so many opportunities at UF so take advantage of whatever comes your way. College is all about growth, so get out of your comfort zone and meet as many people as you can. You will get the most out of your college experience this way.

  • Ava Carter
    Ava Carter

    Major: Information Systems

    I chose to be a HPA because… I totally understand what it’s like to feel lost as a first year student. Because of this, I want to help current first-years feel more stable and secure at UF and find their place in Heavener!

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Always remember to take time to “fill your cup up” by doing things you love. Sometimes its challenging to balance schoolwork, jobs, involvement, and a social life, but taking some time for self-care can really help rejuvenate you!

  • Nicole Wilson
    Nicole Wilson

    Major: Information Systems

    I chose to be a HPA because… I enjoy helping new freshmen figure out their academic goals, and I want everyone to be successful at Heavener.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Don’t be afraid to reach out. Many of us had no clue when to take certain classes or what the best study methods are. We all want you to succeed.

  • Carolina Marques de Souza
    Carolina Marques

    Major: Business Management

    I chose to be a HPA because… I know how stressful it is to choose your classes and navigate university life. I wanna help new students just like I was helped.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… 1) Don’t be afraid to ask for help, 2) Explore as much as you can, 3) Embrace new experiences; get out of your comfort zone.

  • Carlyn Russel
    Carlyn Russell

    Major: Business Administration specialization in mass communications and MIB

    I chose to be a HPA because… I wanted to provide advice and guidance for first year students so they have the tools to succeed in the business school.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Don’t be afraid to try new things. Try different classes and see what interests you!

  • Chanelle Adjei-Boampong
    Chanelle Adjei-Boampong

    Major: Marketing

    I chose to be a HPA because… I chose to be a HPA because I did not get as much guidance within the business school until I sought it out. From classes to involvement, navigating the Heavener bubble can be confusing as there is so much to choose from, and I would like to help guide freshmen to help them choose the right path and start off college right.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Remember everyone’s path is different from your own. Do not compare yourself to anyone else – your only competition is your potential!

  • Ellie Kunze
    Ellie Kunze

    Major: Information Systems

    I chose to be a HPA because… I chose to become a peer advisor because I genuinely enjoy connecting with new students and helping them create schedules tailored to their needs. Scheduling has always been a personal strength of mine, and the role of an HPA was a perfect fit, allowing me to use my skills to assist others effectively.

    My advice to first year Business Gators… Without a doubt, my advice for first-year students is to jump in early. Connect with an HPA to plan your schedule and a Cap Mentor for career guidance. Join clubs that ignite your passions, and don’t hesitate to socialize and make friends. Starting early lays the foundation for success, setting you on a path of enriched experiences and meaningful connections.