
The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a business program for undergraduate students. It encompasses three stages for those who continue their development in the program, with each stage incorporating an increasingly more involved leadership role within LDP and the Heavener community.

The Leadership Development Program is modeled after the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, empowering students to be social change agents for the 21st century. The purpose is to mold the concept of leadership as an inclusive process by which change is effected for the betterment of others.

The Leadership Development program emphasizes the need to understand self and others in an effort to create change. The model is inclusive in that it is designed to enhance the development of leadership qualities in all participants- those who hold formal leadership positions as well as those who do not.

The Leadership Development program aligns with the Heavener Competencies for the development of the individual, group, and community.

The Leadership Development Program is grounded in the following principles:

  • Leadership is a process rather than as a position.
  • Leadership is concerned with effecting change on behalf of others
  • Leadership is collaborative
  • Leadership is value-based
  • Service is a powerful vehicle for developing leadership skills