Gator Ready Resources

Professional Development is Career Development

Did you know that the number one way to gain the skills employers are seeking is by getting involved? All eight career readiness competencies can be developed through involvement in student organizations, attending Heavener events, engaging with Business Career Services, and participating in experiential programs such as study abroad and internships.

Gator Ready serves as your record of involvement, engagement, and experiential learning. Providing you with a co-curricular transcript of all the activities you have participated in while a Heavener student. Having this data at your finger tips allows you to confidentially tell employers about the competencies you have developed with evidence and growth.

To get started with Gator Ready be sure to have the Suitable app downloaded on your phone and update your profile on the app or through the website.

Student Organizations

Student organizations in the business school are encouraged to use Gator Ready as a tool to help attract and retain members. By participating in the Gator Ready initiative student organizations can align programming with the career readiness competencies to support member growth and development. The platform provides easy access to create events, track participation, and develop custom badges to represent achievements for the organization. The data provided from the platform can ensure organizations are fulfilling their mission and their members or developing career readiness skills.

Gator Ready staff and ambassadors are available to provide tech support, ensure non-business majors have access to the platform, and consult with organization leadership on integration.

To get your organization plugged into Gator Ready, email a Gator Ready Ambassador for more information.

Events and Activities

Any student with Gator Ready access can request that an event be added into the system. For student organizations we recommend using a dedicated point of contact to ensure events are not duplicated. The person who requests the event will receive the completion report once the event closes.

Events should be requested at least 24 hours in advance to ensure they are approved prior to the start time. Once approved, a QR code is generated. It can be downloaded and used electronically or printed for students to scan.

Determining Levels and Competency

When requesting an event, you will be asked to select the level and competency correlated to the event. You should limit competency selection to one or two competencies per event, prioritize the primary focus of the activity. For the level consider what is being asked of participants. A general body meeting is generally a Level 1 activity while a workshop would qualify as Level 2. If participants are hosting an event or training in the community or for other students, that could qualify as a Level 3 activity.

When your event is reviewed for approval, the competency and level may be adjust based on the description of the event. The more details in the description the easier it is to ensure proper classification.

Schedule an appointment to talk to an advisor or career coach about what competencies you should be focused on developing.

Developing your ePortfolio

The Gator Ready platform also allows users to cultivate an ePortfolio to showcase their work. Think of this as an opportunity to extend your resume with direct evidence. ePortfolios are considered a high-impact practice, enabling users to electronically collect their work over time, reflect upon their personal, professional, and academic growth, and then share selected items with others, such as professors, advisors, and potential employers. Because collection over time is a key element of the ePortfolio process, Gator Ready provides users the opportunity to make connections between various academic and co-curricular experiences.

The ePortfolio should include a collection of materials from courses, internships, and other experiences; selecting those that best represent the development as learners and professionalization into the field; organizing and reflecting on how the selected projects demonstrate both success in competency growth and the development of strategies and skills to carry into post-graduation activities.

After you cultivate your ePortfolio you will want to ensure you have made your link public and selected which items you want to be publicly available via your shareable link.

Examples of ePortfolio items:

  • Industry specific resumes (adhering to the Career Services format)
  • Links to Websites
  • Research papers
  • Case Analysis presentations
  • Marketing plans
  • Project Management Plans
  • Community Service Awards
  • Certificates of Achievement
  • Technology Certifications
  • Writing Samples
  • Academic Achievements
  • Capstone Projects
  • Reflection of Engagement experience

This list is not exhaustive. Many other works created would qualify for submission if they represent your work and growth.