Department-Sponsored Program / Organization Advisor of the Year

This award is presented to a department-sponsored program/organization advisor who has demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding leadership development of students and who outfits participants with the skills and tools necessary to pursue elected and appointed leadership positions at an exceptional level.

In order to apply for this award, please review all information below. Applications open Friday, January 10th and must be submitted by 11:59PM on Sunday, February 2nd. You may showcase anything in your application that occurred between January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.


For the award application, you will need to complete the following:

  1. Please review the Recognition and Awards page to ensure your organization type (department-sponsored versus student organization) is eligible to apply for this particular award.
  2. You will attach your essay (required) and any additional letters of support (encouraged) to the online application form (see link at the bottom of this page), by the deadline specified above.

Submission Requirements & Instructions

  • In no more than two pages double-spaced, please address the criteria below with quantitative and qualitative evidence to support your application regarding an advisor’s contributions from January 2024 to December 2024:
    • Description of how this advisor exemplifies exceptional service to the organization, going above and beyond to support its goals and mission.
    • Examples of noteworthy actions taken by the advisor which demonstrate a remarkable level of investment and caring for individual students’ wellbeing, success, and growth.
    • Examples of ways that the advisor has encouraged a spirit of innovation, creativity, new approaches and challenging the status quo in pursuit of the organization’s goals and mission.
    • Examples of how this advisor contributes to individual student competency development within the organization.
    • Examples of how the advisor implemented college initiatives such as inclusive excellence within the organization.
    • Provide evidence of how the advisor has supported competency growth and development for participants and student leaders.
  • Letters of support are encouraged, but not required. Maximum of two letters, each limited to one page.
  • If you are also applying for awards that require a PowerPoint presentation, please do not address this award in your presentation.

Selection Process & Criteria

In order to be considered, applications must be submitted by the deadline and adhere to the proper formatting requirements listed above. A selection committee of Heavener staff members will choose a winner who best exemplifies the award based on the qualitative and quantitative evidence provided in the application.

By submitting an application, applicants agree to release their academic records and discipline records to the selection committee. This year’s selection committee members are: Dalon Coleman, Danica Mandarano, Meghan Dwyer, Naomi Harrell, Satcha Sanon, and the BCC President.

Previous Award Recipients

Stephanie Fajre

Amber Bollinger

Hunter Ackerman

Eve-Katherine Pithey