Most Improved Student Organization

This award is presented to the student organization that has improved from last year using measurable metrics such as increased membership, involvement with campus life, and its activities from the previous year. It also requires the organization to provide a strategic plan, goals, and objectives for their programs. Student organizations must have been registered for two years in order to apply for this award. Organizations registered for less than two years cannot apply for this award and should apply to New Student Organization of the Year instead.

In order to apply for this award, please review all information below. Applications open Friday, January 10th and must be submitted by 11:59PM on Sunday, February 2nd. You may showcase anything in your application that occurred between January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.


For the award application, you will need to complete the following:

  1. Please review the Recognition and Awards page to ensure your organization type (department-sponsored versus student organization) is eligible to apply for this particular award.
  2. This award entails an audio-recorded PowerPoint. You may apply to a maximum of three awards that require an audio-recorded PowerPoint, as categorized on the Recognition and Awards page. Applying for more than three of these awards will disqualify your application.
  3. You are not limited to the number of essay-based awards you can apply for.
  4. Your audio-recorded PowerPoint should follow the layout below:
    1. 2 minutes for the introduction of your organization
    2. 3 minutes to address the criteria for this award
      1. If you are applying to additional awards that require an audio-recorded PowerPoint, you will only present the two-minute introduction once and you will have three additional minutes to discuss each subsequent award.
      2. Example: If applying to two audio-recorded PowerPoint-based awards, your video would be eight minutes long as follows:
        1. 2 minutes Introduction
        2. 3 minutes Award #1
        3. 3 minutes Award #2
    3. Throughout the presentation, each time you move onto a different award, please make sure you have a transition slide that names the title of the new award. Then begin to provide your evidence for that award.
  5. If your organization is also applying for any of the following audio-recorded awards, you will address these in the same presentation:
    1. Outstanding Event of the Year
    2. Outstanding Service Project of the Year
    3. Student Organization of the Year
  6. Submit the Application Form (link below) where you will include the link to your recorded presentation, as well as a PDF of your slide deck.

Submission Requirements & Instructions

In addition to the requirements listed below, organizations are encouraged to follow best practices with regard to slide design and visual aids to best showcase their impact.

Presentations must include voice-only narration (cameras must be turned off) utilizing PowerPoint’s Recording Feature. Total presentation time should be within the limits stated above.

  • Opening slide must include the names of each of the presentation-based awards (including this award) that you are applying for, and you should verbally announce these in your audio recording.
  • Organizational fact slide that highlights program relevant statistics including size, list of events, and their type such as socials, professional, service, and other information.
  • Informational slides answering the following questions regarding events and initiatives from January 2024 to December 2024:
    • What are the organization’s objectives, goals, and plans that led to improvement?
    • How did the organization improve from last year? Provide measurable metrics to quantify improvements, if possible.
    • What steps were taken with strategic planning to set goals, objectives, and make these improvements?
    • What increases has your organization achieved with regard to the number of programs and members between this year and last year?
    • How did your organization’s activities impact the competency development of your members?
    • How did the meetings, activities, and events held by your organization have a positive impact on the greater college community?
    • What qualitative or quantitative evidence do you have regarding your organization’s impact?
    • How did your activities support or relate to your organization’s mission/vision/values?
    • What efforts has your organization made this year to sustain itself in the future?
    • How does the executive board effectively function as a team? Provide evidence where possible.
    • How has your organization adopted Gator Ready and encouraged participants to use it?
    • What was your overall budget for the year? How much money did your organization spend this calendar year? Please provide a breakdown of the costs.
  • Appendix slides at the end of your presentation detailing the following:
    • A list of all past activities from January 2024 to December 2024. In the description for each event, please include the following:
      • Date of the event
      • Number of attendees
      • Purpose of each event
      • Description of each event
      • Evidence of impact for each event
    • Overall budget for the year, amount spent this calendar year, and a breakdown of costs.
    • Membership numbers and roster with names and email addresses (both spring and fall semesters).
    • Please insert link to PDF displaying all appendix information.

Submission Instructions for Audio-Recorded PowerPoint

Once you have finalized your audio-recorded PowerPoint, please follow the instructions below to make it shareable using Microsoft Stream.

Selection Process & Criteria

In order to be considered, applications must be submitted by the deadline and adhere to the proper formatting requirements listed above. A selection committee of Heavener staff members will choose a winner who best exemplifies the award based on the qualitative and quantitative evidence provided in the application.

By submitting an application, applicants agree to release their academic records and discipline records to the selection committee. This year’s selection committee members are: Dalon Coleman, Danica Mandarano, Meghan Dwyer, Naomi Harrell, Satcha Sanon, and the BCC President.

Previous Award Recipients

Florida Women in Business

Warrington Goes Green

Association of Latin Professionals for America

Association of Latin Professionals for America (ALPFA)

Student Investment Club

Undergraduate Consulting Club

Retail Society

Undergraduate Consulting Club

UCC is a relatively new club on campus and it initially struggled to develop its image and brand. Retention issues plagued UCC during the first two years of its existence. This past year, mitigating these issues became the focus of the leadership team. By utilizing the networks built by students through summer internships with companies such as KPMG, McGladery and Ernst and Young, connections were established and opened the door for partnerships throughout the academic year.

Through these strategic partnerships, as well as the restructuring of the leadership team and the revamping of member programming, this organization has yielded a 150% increase in dedicated membership throughout the semester.

Florida Women in Business

FWIB this year has increased its membership, involvement with campus life, and its activities from the previous year. They have worked diligently throughout the year, focusing on redesigning their mentorship program, their member retention system, and developing the first annual Women’s Professional Development Summit.

American Marketing Association

The American Marketing Association (AMA) has improved in several ways this year. First, they forged new relationships with 8 companies, in addition to existing relationships, allowing for weekly contact with companies for their membership. This year, they also executed several initiatives specifically targeted at recruitment of members, as well as increased dues revenue and partnerships. For this reason, AMA was able to, for the first time in four years, cover all expenses and have money left over. Currently, AMA has 94 paying members, 59 of which were brand new to AMA in the Fall of 2011 Alone.

International Business Society

The International Business Society (IBS) has gained an increase in membership to almost 140 students, up from 100 in the previous year. IBS focused on forming partnerships with other student organizations and departments on campus, successfully collaborating with such organizations as Students in Free Enterprise, Hispanic Student Business Association, and the Poe Center for Business Ethics Education and Research. IBS has also begun to volunteer with Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary, and participated in the Co-Ed Intramural Soccer League here at UF. A partnership with Warrington’s International Programs made the Global Gathering possible, with over 150 students benefiting from the chance to meet exchange students and learn about possible places to study abroad.

International Business Society International

International Business Society (IBS) has seen an increase in the number of members attending their meetings and events, as well as an overall increase in the level of participation. There has been an increased involvement with international students and they were able to coordinate 8 new events this semester.

Minority Business Society

This year, the Minority Business Society has made noteworthy strides in its development as an organization. Within the past year, MBS has increased its membership by 40% due to numerous recruitment efforts. They have built relationships with the UF community by collaborating with different student organizations for meetings and social functions. MBS has obtained official partnerships and sponsorships from reputable corporations and organizations. They also conducted numerous professional development sessions for their members and participated in community service projects that increased their visibility on campus.

Student Investment Club

This year the Student Investment Club improved its organization in numerous ways. They increased their networking with other Warrington student organizations to familiarize their members with all that the School of Business can offer them. This increased networking caused new ideas and programs to surface. They improved their marketing strategies in order to spread awareness of their new programs. They also acquired new sponsorships from Gumby’s Pizza and, which provided SIC with more funds to help the organization grow and improve. Their membership also increased from 54 students last spring to 141 this spring. Their increased membership and improved organizational efficiency has allowed SIC to host and help with events such as Reichert House, Investment Workshop, and Investment Challenge.

International Business Society

Beginning this Fall with only 5 active members, the leadership of the International Business Society restructured their organization to allow greater engagement with, and between its, members. Actions such as reviving committees and redistributing responsibilities within the organization led to an increase in active membership to almost 40. this increased membership and organizational efficiency has allowed IBS to create events such as the International Speaker Series, The 1st annual IBS Film Festival, and Study Abroad Forums.

Delta Epsilon Chi

Delta Epsilon Chi set two goals for themselves this year: to increase membership and to increase the number of members participating in the State Career Development Conference. They have achieved both. Membership in DEX increased this year from three to twenty-two members and state conference participation increased from one member to seven. Achieving these goals earned the Florida chapter the “Largest Membership Increase Award” at the state conference.