Gator Ready

Are you Gator Ready?

The Gator Ready initiative aims to ensure students have the skills employers seek by aligning student involvement with career readiness competencies. In addition to academic achievements, employers seek a set of competencies that demonstrate students have the skills and attitudes needed to thrive in the current world of work. Gator Ready was designed to help students track their skill development across these competencies and provides evidence to employers of their dedication to skill development.

Getting Started with Gator Ready

Gator Ready integrates events and activities from Career and Leadership Programs, Heavener Student Organizations, Business College Council, Business Career Services, and all Heavener sponsored events. Students can check-in to events by scanning QR-codes or requesting completion of activities through the Suitable app. All events and tasks are associated with career readiness competencies and levels that allow students to easily recognize the skills being developed through participation of different Heavener events. Students can even self-report their involvement and work experience to gain additional competency points.

The Gator Ready initiative is powered by Suitable. Get started today by downloading the Suitable app or by logging into Suitable with your GatorLink email.

All students pursuing a degree within the Warrington College of Business are automatically added to the Gator Ready Suitable System. If you are a non-business student and would like to participate, we are more than happy to add you! Please fill out the Non-Business Students Gator Ready Application form, and if you haven’t been added two weeks after your submission, please email Gator Ready.

Downloading the Suitable App

  1. Download on the App Store, get it on Google Play or search your app store for the Suitable app.
  2. Log into the app using your GatorLink username and password.

How Does Gator Ready Work?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gator Ready?

Heavener School of Business initiative to provide students with the opportunity to track their competency development to ensure they are ready for post college life.

What is Suitable?

Suitable is a web platform and mobile app hosting the Gator Ready tracking and badging initiative.

Who has access to Gator Ready?

All Heavener students and Warrington Welcome participants have access to Gator Ready.

How do I get access to Gator Ready as a non-business student?

Only students within the Warrington College of Business are automatically added to the system. If you are a non-business student and would like to participate, please fill out the Non-Business Students Gator Ready Application form.

Who should be using Gator Ready?

All Heavener undergraduates!