Course Equivalencies

To complete a Universal Tracking, business core, major, or area of specialization course requirement for your business major or minor at another institution, you must first determine that the course you wish to take is an approved equivalent to the UF course. Course equivalencies are usually not required for general education courses. Before taking a course at another school, you should note the following important restriction: All required 3000-4000 level business courses and restricted elective courses must be taken at UF, unless they are completed as part of an approved study abroad program.

Florida Community College or State University Courses

Universal Tracking courses taken at a Florida community college or state university are generally numbered the same as UF courses and therefore do not require an approved course equivalency. View a list of equivalent Universal Tracking courses offered, as well as links to each school.

Study Abroad and International Courses

Requests for business core, and major course equivalencies are accepted exclusively for students participating on a UF exchange program or UF sponsored study abroad program. To determine if there is an approved equivalency for a course you wish to take while studying abroad, refer to the Course Equivalency Database below.

Private or Out-of-State Institution Courses

You can take Universal Tracking, General Education, and free elective courses at private and out-of-state institutions as long as you do not break the UF residency requirement, which requires students to complete their final 30 credit hours at UF. To determine if there is an approved equivalency for a course you wish to take at a private or out-of-state school, refer to the Course Equivalency Database below.

Course Equivalency Database

The Warrington Course Equivalency Database provides lists of two types of equivalent courses:

  1. Universal Tracking courses offered by private and out-of-state schools; and
  2. Universal Tracking courses and upper division business courses offered at international schools

If a course or school does not appear in the database, or if the equivalency for a course has expired (it will be shaded in gray), you must complete the appropriate Course Equivalency Request Form, gather supporting documentation, and submit these items to 301 Heavener Hall for departmental approval. Note that submitted syllabi must be dated within +/- 5 years of the date the course was taken. Please allow two – four weeks for your equivalency request to be processed.

This form is only used to determine if a course to be transferred from another institution is equivalent (virtually the “same” course by content) to a preprofessional course required by the Heavener School of Business at the University of Florida. It is a student’s responsibility to determine which UF course is most applicable. This is determined by comparing UF & host syllabi.

UF courses:

  • ACG 2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • ACG 2071 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
  • CGS 2531 Problem Solving Using Computer Software*
  • ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics
  • MAC 2233 Survey of Calculus
  • MAC 2311 Analytical Geometry & Calculus I
  • MAC 2234 Survey of Calculus II
  • STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics

Complete the request form once for each course. The request will be denied if any of the indicated documentation below is missing. Electronic submissions must be in a format such as Word or PDF. Picture only formats such as .gif or .jpeg will not be processed.

Provide all of the following documentation:

  • Official course description from the transfer institution’s catalog (may be downloaded from the web).
  • Course syllabus of the transfer course from the semester the course was taken (or within +/- five years).
  • The syllabus or supplemental documentation includes chapters covered from textbook, and a schedule indicating weekly topics/chapters.
  • A copy of textbook table of contents including chapter topics with chapter descriptions.
  • *For CGS 2531: the syllabus states the version of Microsoft covered, anything prior to Microsoft 13 is outdated and will be denied. If missing from syllabus, please obtain an emailed confirmation from the department from which you took the course.

This form should be used to determine if a course taken from an international institution is equivalent (virtually the “same” course by content) to a Heavener School of Business required business tracking, core, or major course. It is the student’s responsibility to determine if the content of the UF course matches the content of the course being offered abroad. This is accomplished by comparing the syllabus of the UF course and the syllabus of the course from the international institution.

Conditions for submitting 3000-4000 level courses from abroad:

  1. Is the course from a University of Florida exchange partner, Warrington College of Business exchange partner, or Heavener International Programs affiliate?
    • If No, the equivalency cannot be processed.
    • If Yes, the equivalency can be processed if the necessary documentation is submitted.
  2. Is this course already online as an active Equivalency?
    • If No, please submit the equivalency materials.
    • If Yes, no need to submit any equivalency materials.

Core courses include:

  • ACG 2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • ACG 2071 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
  • CGS 2531 Problem Solving Using Computer Software
  • ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics
  • MAC 2233 Survey of Calculus
  • MAC 2311 Analytical Geometry & Calculus I
  • MAC 2234 Survey of Calculus II
  • STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics
  • MAN 3025 Principles of Management
  • MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing
  • FIN 3403 Business Finance
  • QMB 3250 Statistics for Business Decisions
  • BUL 4310 Legal Environment of Business
  • MAN 4504 Operations Management
  • GEB 3373 International Business

Major courses may include:

  • FIN 4243 Debt & Money Markets
  • FIN 4414 Financial Management
  • FIN 4504 Equity & Capital Markets
  • MAN 3240 Organizations
  • MAN 4301 Human Resource Mgt.
  • MAN 4723 Strategic Management
  • MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior
  • MAR 3231 Introduction to Retail Systems Management
  • MAR 4803 Marketing Management
  • MAR 4156 International Marketing
  • MAR 4403 Sales Management
  • MAR 4613 Marketing Research
  • QMB 3302 Foundations of Business Analytics & AI
  • ECO/ISOM courses may also be evaluated

FIN 4414 & FIN 3403 must be completed at UF, regardless of equivalency approval.

Complete the request form once for each course. The request will be denied if any of the indicated documentation below is missing. Electronic submissions must be in a format such as Word or PDF. Picture only formats such as .gif or .jpeg will not be processed.

Students must submit a course syllabus from the semester the course was taken (or within +/- five years). The syllabus (or supporting documentation) should include the following:

  • Course description
  • Goals/objectives
  • Textbook or course materials
  • An outline or list of chapters covered from textbook
  • If available: credits and/or meeting times

Please note the more course details you obtain from your host institute, the more appropriate determination can be given from the academic department evaluating your request. It is to your advantage to submit thorough course information. This may require your effort in facilitating email correspondence with the school/faculty abroad.

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