
ICT Working Group: Infrastructure Sharing in Telecommunications on July 9, 2020

A lot of countries are interested in having telecom operators share infrastructure. Some are concerned that capital costs are a barrier to competition. Others believe that sharing might result in lower prices. What are countries trying and what are their experiences? As part of the Next Practices Live series I talked with Alee Fa’amoe and [...]

Disaster Preparedness: How Governments and Infrastructure Providers Can Prepare for the 2020 Hurricane Season on July 7, 2020

Preparing for natural disasters is hard during normal times, but it is especially difficult during a pandemic. Economic resources are low, people's anxieties are high, and coordination and rapid response are made harder by our inabilities to congregate and work together. How are countries and leaders handling this unprecedented moment? Garfield “Garry” Sinclair and Dr. [...]

Google having quality products does not violate antitrust laws

Would the world be a better place if fewer people used Google search? Not according to the hundreds of millions of Google users worldwide. Unfortunately, some people involved in antitrust think the users are wrong. And if the company’s detractors get their way, consumers will be worse off. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full blog post [...]

Next Practices Live: Managing Regulation panel on June 23, 2020

COVID-19 has made it traditional methods for managing regulation and for engaging stakeholders. But the pandemic also made management and engage more important than ever! What have people tried? What have they learned? Two respected regulators joined Next Practices Live to share their thoughts and experiences. Both are recent PURC alumni. Commissioner Ram Prasad Dhital [...]

How will the pandemic change telecommunications markets? A conversation with John Reid on June 18, 2020

We receive a lot of questions about how the pandemic will impact telecommunications markets. This is a critical question. Since the 1990s, most of the world has relied upon competition to resolve issues of telecommunications deployment, prices, and quality. Will the pandemic change this? John Reid, the former CEO of Cable & Wireless, joined Next [...]