ICT Working Group: Infrastructure Sharing in Telecommunications on July 9, 2020

A lot of countries are interested in having telecom operators share infrastructure. Some are concerned that capital costs are a barrier to competition. Others believe that sharing might result in lower prices. What are countries trying and what are their experiences?

As part of the Next Practices Live series I talked with Alee Fa’amoe and Giovanni King about their countries’ experiences. Mr. Fa’amoe is the Executive Director for ICT at the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) in the Cayman Islands. Prior to joining OfReg, he worked as Deloitte Cayman Chief Operating Officer, at Brac Informatics Centre, and as an independent consultant. Mr. King is the COO of the Bureau Telecommunications and Post in Curaçao, as well as the Chairperson Konsulta Nashonal (National Dialogue) at Government of Curaçao. He started with the Bureau in 2007, but took five years to serve as the COO of the Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten.

Mr. Fa’amoe, Mr. King, and I discussed their country’s policies on sharing, what motivated the policies, what has worked well, and what they have experienced as problems. We also discussed what countries they looked to for practices to follow.