Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation

  • What is the state of art in regulatory practices?
  • How are regulators addressing emerging issues?
  • Which basic principles can be relied upon to guide regulatory decisions during times of change?

The answers to these questions, and many more, can be found on the Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation (BoKIR). This site is a comprehensive online resource for utility and regulation professionals, policy makers, and academics focusing on regulatory reform and the promotion of strong performance in energy, telecommunications, transportation, and water sectors.

The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) at the World Bank and the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) at the University of Florida embarked on a new initiative entitled “Improving Infrastructure Regulation for Low-Income, Fragile and Low-Capacity Countries Program” early 2015. This PPIAF-led initiative aims to support the development of sustainable regulatory systems and improve the delivery of infrastructure services by building regulators’ capacity to design and implement regulatory functions. The program has a particular focus on low-income and fragile countries, as well as lower-middle income countries with under-developed regulatory systems. This initiative will address the specific challenges faced by countries with less developed institutions and regulatory frameworks.

The Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation contains summaries of regulatory literature, tutorials, self-paced tests, and more than 500 downloadable references for regulatory reform and performance improvements in infrastructure industries. The online glossary has been translated from English into Chinese, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Thai, Russian and Arabic. The site also provides guidance regarding Frequently Asked Questions related to social pricing, price levels and tariff design, regulating state owned enterprises, private-public partnerships, and other topics. In 2011, the Norwegian Trust Fund for Private Sector and Infrastructure supported the addition of FAQs related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

This online resource was originally developed in 2006 and has benefitted from funding by The World Bank and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). PURC has led the effort to update content for the site.

Other Resources

  • American Public Power Association
    The American Public Power Association (APPA) is the service organization for the nation’s more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities that serve more than 43 million Americans. Its research program is called Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments (DEED).
  • The Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) Electricity Project
  • Country Analysis Briefs by EIA
    This site surveys energy policies in different economies. The descriptions provide useful overviews of activities by various stakeholder groups.
  • Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
    DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, DSIRE is an ongoing project of the N.C. Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.
  • Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
    EPRI, one of America’s largest research consortia, delivers the science and technology to make the generation, delivery, and use of electricity affordable, efficient, and environmentally sound.
  • Electric Utility Restructuring Weekly Update
    Weekly information on U.S. federal, regional and state electric utility restructuring initiatives complied for the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Energy Central
    Energy Central offers a wide variety of useful tools including current energy news, links and useful tools for Electric Power Information Research.
  • Energy Technologies Area Resources
    Has a wide array of pointers to energy-efficiency resources on the Web and currently contains more than 400 links to other energy Web sites.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA)
    EIA is an independent statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. EIA maintains a comprehensive data and information program relevant to energy resources, production, demand, technologies, and related financial and statistical information.
  • EPIS, Inc. Energy Links
    EPIS provides consulting services to the electric power industry for services related to price forecasting, resource valuation and portfolio analysis.
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
    FERC is an independent regulatory agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. Its duties include regulating transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce and licensing and inspecting private, municipal and state hydroelectric projects.
  • International Association of Energy Economics
    The International Association for Energy Economics provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, experience and issues among professionals interested in energy economics.
  • National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)
    NARUC studies include the operation and supervision of public utilities and carriers and the promotion of uniform regulation of public utilities.
  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
    NRECA is a U.S. service organization dedicated to representing the national interests of cooperative electric utilities and the consumers they serve.
  • North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC)
    NERC’s mission is to promote the reliability of the electricity supply for North America.
  • US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
    The NRC is an independent agency established by the U.S. Congress to regulate commercial nuclear power reactors. NRC has an online library of technical reports on non-power research, the uses of nuclear materials, and disposal of waste.
  • Utility Data Institute (UDI)
    UDI provides source data for the energy industry (utility and non-utility generators) in a variety of formats. UDI’s product line includes annual operating and financial performance data for electric power plants and electric power companies.
  • Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture
    AGORA enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA provides a collection of 958 journals to institutions in 107 countries.
  • African Development Bank Group
    The African Development Bank Group is a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia. It’s mission is to promote economic and social development through loans, equity investments, and technical assistance.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    The EBRD aims to help its central and eastern European countries to implement structural and sectoral economic reform and foster the transition towards market-oriented economies.
  • European Investment Bank (EIB)
    The EIB is a long-term lending institution in the European Union. This autonomous body finances capital investments that further European integration by promoting EU economic policies.
  • International Monetary Fund
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) facilitates international monetary cooperation and financial stability, and provides a permanent forum for consultation, advice and assistance on financial issues.
  • Inter-American Development Bank
    The Inter-American Development Bank (ADB) is an international financial institution created to help accelerate the economic and social development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • North American Development Bank (NADB)
    This site is available in both English and Spanish.
  • Online Access to Research in the Environment
    OARE, an international public-private consortium coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Yale University, and leading science and technology publishers, enables developing countries to gain free access to one of the world’s largest collections of environmental science literature.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    The OECD is a Paris-based intergovernmental organization. Their fundamental task is to enable its members to consult and co-operate with each other in order to achieve the highest sustainable economic growth in their countries and improve the economic and social well-being of their populations.
  • The World Bank
    The World Bank group provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries to reduce poverty and advance sustainable economic growth.
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
    FERC is an independent regulatory agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. Its duties include regulating the transmission and sale for resale of natural gas in interstate commerce and regulating the transmission of oil by pipeline in interstate commerce.
  • American Gas Association (AGA)
    This site outlines the natural gas industry and offers access for visitors, but unlimited access for members of the AGA.
  • Gas Line Information Service
    The Gas Technology Institute (GTI) sponsors this online, interactive database of gas abstracts.
  • Gas Technology Institute (GTI)
    Gas Technology Institute is a leading research, development and training organization serving energy markets. GTI is an independent technology organization, established as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation.
  • Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)
    INGAA is a trade organization that advocates positions of importance to the natural gas pipeline industry. The organization has members in the U.S. Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.
  • Analysys
    Provides good research reports on telecommunications, primarily in Europe.
  • Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO)
    CTO is a partnership between Commonwealth governments and telecommunication businesses to promote ICT in the interests of consumers, business, and social and economics development.
  • Cybertelecom
    An educational nonprofit site dedicated to raising awareness of and participation in federal Internet policy.
  • International Telecommunications Society
    The International Telecommunications Society (ITS) is an association of professionals in the information, communications, and technology sectors and an independent, non-aligned and not-for-profit organization with a worldwide network.
  • IRG
    A network of independent European telecom regulators and are organized in two groups – the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) and the European Regulators Group (ERG).
  • International Telecommunication Union
    The ITU fosters international cooperation for the improvement and use of telecommunications of all kinds, coordinates usage of radio and TV frequencies, promotes safety measures and conducts research.
  • Next Generation Infrastructures
    The program is at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. This is a Dutch site with studies translated into English.
  • States Inventory Project
    The States Inventory Project is an online clearinghouse that tracks how U.S. states are planning, regulating, deploying, and using their information infrastructures.
  • U.S. House of Representatives Law Library
    Provides good links to legal information on telecommunications.
  • Regulatory Agencies:
    • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
      Telecommunications regulator in Australia. Provides good information on policies and good analyses of issues.
    • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
      Federal telecommunications regulator in the United States. Provides extensive information on issues, policies, and industry data.
    • Ofca
      Telecommunications regulator in Hong Kong. Provides extensive information on policies and industry data.
    • Ofcom
      Telecommunications regulator in the UK. Provides extensive information on policies.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA)
    AWWA is an international, nonprofit, scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. Site has publications in English and Spanish.
  • Arab Countries Water Utilities Association
    The ACWUA is a group of strong regional Arab water utilities working to improve their service delivery.
  • Asociación de Entes Reguladores de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de las Americas
    This hemispheric organization (ADERASA) promotes the exchange of information among member countries. It has organized Task Forces on Benchmarking, Regulatory Accounting, Tariffs and Subsidies, and Consumer Participation.
  • Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)
    AMWA represents the interests and concerns of the larger metropolitan water supply agencies in the United States. It brings together water utility agencies to assure uninterrupted delivery of safe drinking water at a reasonable cost.
  • Building Partnerships for Development—Water and Sanitation
    BPD Water and Sanitation is an informal network of partners who seek to demonstrate that strategic partnerships involving business, government and civil society can achieve more at the local level to improve access to safe water and effective sanitation for the poor than any of the groups acting individually.
  • Cap-Net
    International Network for Capacity Building for Water Resource Management (UNDP)
  • Comisión de Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico
    Republica da Colombia
  • EDIS
    The Electronic Data Information Source of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension
  • Florida Water Environmental Association
    FWEA is the Florida Member Association of the international Water Environment Federation (WEF). WEF is a not-for-profit educational and technical organization of 40,000 water quality experts worldwide.
  • Integrated Water Resource Management Tutorial (Cap-net)
    The tutorial is aimed at policy makers, water managers, trainers and educators who want a basic understanding of IWRM principles.
  • International Water Association (IWA)
    IWA has members including the major national supply wastewater associations around the world, as well as corporate members including water supply/waste water organizations, government departments and consulting firms. The IWA Foundation is dedicated to improving water supply and wastewater provision in developing countries.
    Ofwat (The Water Services Regulation Authority) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage companies in England and Wales.
  • Sustainable Community Management of Urban Water and Sanitation Schemes (A Training Manual)
    A practical course manual for trainers of urban communities in Tanzania (and elsewhere) to improve water supply and sanitation management practices. The seven modules are meant to equip communities with the tools to eliminate or reduce the major constraints in managing infrastructure and providing services.
  • Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management
    The site contains a Toolbox for Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management. There are tools for capacity development in the area of water supply; the material is designed for capacity building. The site contains tutorials on the benefits and costs of improving performance in the water and sanitation sector, demonstrating that integrated water resource management (including water use for irrigation) is crucial for long term sustainability.
  • Universities Council on Water Resources
    This database is a collection of international water research compiled by the Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC). The research abstracted in this database covers a wide variety of topics that span 1967 – 1993.
  • University of Florida Water Institute
    This institute brings together talent from throughout the University to address complex water issues through innovative interdisciplinary research, education, and public outreach programs.
  • Urban Water Supply in Sub-Saharan Africa (2005)
  • Water and Sanitation International Benchmarking Network (IBNET)
    A key objective of IBNET is to expand the coverage and effectiveness of the existing World Bank benchmarking network to include more utilities, a wider geographical base and a refined set of performance indicators. One of the first IBNET activities is to compile a database of water and sanitation sector benchmarking schemes worldwide.
  • Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
    Education, training, research and consultancy for improved planning, provision and management of physical infrastructure and services for development in low- and middle-income countries, focusing on the needs and demands of the poor.
  • Water Online
    Site contains news stories, discussion groups, projects being bid, and more on the water industry.
  • Water and Sanitation Program: Scaling Up Rural Sanitation
  • Water Services for the Urban Poor
    The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) has issued a new Guide for improving Water Supply and Sanitation Services to the Urban Poor. The Guide identifies obstacles to reaching the poor, and proposes six action areas.
  • WaterWiki Classic Papers
    WaterWiki aims at being a knowledge map and on-line collaboration platform for Water Sector Professionals and Practitioners worldwide, to find – and share! – experience and knowledge about water-related work in the international (UN) context.
  • Western Kentucky Center for Water Resource Studies
    Among the resources available is a spreadsheet template for determining prices.
  • Wikipedia Water Supply and Sanitation by Country
  • World Wide Web Water World
    A gateway designed to provide water professionals with information regarding all facets of the water research and regulatory community. Divided into five categories: resources, regulation, state links, federal links, and international water links.

Additional Materials

  • Africa’s Power Infrastructure
    This study is a product of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD), a project designed to expand the world’s knowledge of physical infrastructure in Africa. The AICD provides a baseline against which future improvements in infrastructure services can be measured, making it possible to monitor the results achieved from donor support. It also offers a more solid empirical foundation for prioritizing investments and designing policy reforms in the infrastructure sectors in Africa.
  • “Coal-Fired Generation: Proven and Developing Technologies,” by Brenda Buchan and Christi Cao, FPSC (Dec. 2004)
  • Florida’s Energy Future: Opportunities for Our Economy, Environment, and Security
    This study was prepared by the Florida Solar Energy Center and CPI Consulting for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, January 16, 2004. Topics include Florida energy policy, efficiency, patterns of energy use, conservation, and strategies for improving sector performance.
  • Florida Energy 2020 Study Commission – Commission Members: Billy Stiles (Executive Director). John J. Anderson, Carole Joy Barice, Sanford V. Berg, Helen A. Ferre, Lou Frey, Jr., J. Dudley Goodlette, Miguel De Grandy, Joshua High, Kaaren Johnson-Street, The Honorable Tom Lee, Kenneth W. Littlefield, Stephen J. Mitchell, Sandra B. Mortham, Walter L. Revell, David B. Struhs, Joseph K. Tannehill, Sandy J. Woods; Ex-officio members: J. Terry Deason, Jack Shreve. Sanford Berg was appointed to the commission in July 2000 by Governor Jeb Bush, who named 13 of the panel’s 17 members. The remaining four members were selected by the Florida Senate and House of Representatives prior to the group’s first meeting in September 2000. The commission developed recommendations for a comprehensive statewide energy policy that will serve the state over the next twenty years. Issues considered include:
    • Current and future reliability of Florida’s electric and natural gas supply
    • Emerging energy supply and delivery options
    • Industry competition
    • Environmental impacts of energy supply
    • Energy conservation
    • Fiscal effects of energy supply options on taxpayers and energy providers

The 2020 Study Commission made specific recommendations regarding energy policy to the Florida Senate, House and Governor.

Dr. Berg’s “Statement on Electricity Restructuring” can be found in the research papers search engine.

