Articles by: Mark Jamison

European Commission’s Attack on Apple Illustrates the Growing Incoherence of Its Competition Policy

The European Commission (EC) seems gripped by a tech-anxiety that drives it to attack technological advancements it believes it should control. If the EC does not address this irrational stance, Europe, once a beacon of industrial and scientific innovation, risks falling into technological obscurity. Read Dr. Jamison's complete take online at AEI.

Reversing Course: The Need to Renew American Antitrust

America’s system of government is founded on the protection of freedom in all aspects of life, including business. This freedom has fueled the nation’s prosperity, transforming it into a beacon of opportunity that millions worldwide aspire to join. Yet, under the Biden administration’s misguided approach to antitrust, this economic freedom is now under threat. The [...]

Overregulation Threatens the Digital Economy

America has a vibrant history of innovation and entrepreneurship. This heritage laid the foundation for today’s bustling e-marketplace and its unparalleled successes. Ninety-five percent of Americans participate, creating over 10 percent of US gross domestic product. Nearly three-fourths of small businesses credit ecommerce for their survival through the pandemic. Fifty-three percent reported in 2023 that [...]

The government is gunning for Live Nation — it’s making a historic mistake

In today’s complex business environment, being a CEO is akin to playing three-dimensional chess. Markets and supply chains are constantly disrupted by global conflicts, financial markets remain volatile, and AI is transforming industries at a breakneck pace, not to mention the shifting political winds and declining public trust in institutions. Despite these complexities, the Biden [...]

Imposing Net-Neutrality Regulations Would Be a Step Backward

Net neutrality is a sometimes well-intentioned, but always misguided attempt to regulate the internet under the guise of fairness and equality. Except for a brief moment during the Obama administration, the U.S. has always embraced light-handed regulation for the internet. This approach has served us well. Today 95% of American adults use the internet and [...]