
Examining The Scope And Scale Of PG&E’s Plan To Bury 10,000 Miles Of Power Lines

Pacific Gas & Electric came out last week with a cost estimate for the first phase of its plan to put thousands of miles of power lines underground, ballparking it at $9 billion to $13.5 billion according to the San Jose Mercury News for the first 3,600 miles of lines it wants to bury by [...]

COVID-related Debt with Denton Williams

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 We're excited to announce the new PURC Refresher Series, designed for our extensive network of PURC alumni. Together we will explore timely topics to sharpen your technical and strategic skills. In our first refresher session, we discuss COVID-related debt. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the global economy. In response, [...]

The Federal Trade Commission should not seek to regulate the metaverse

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and a group of states have reportedly launched an investigation into Meta’s Oculus unit. Oculus is Meta’s virtual reality (VR) headset that customers can use to access metaverse spaces and play three-dimensional online games, complete workout routines, construct personal work spaces, and host meetings. So far, the FTC and states [...]

Heading into markup, Senate antitrust bills risk hurting the economy and consumers

The two antitrust bills before the Senate Judiciary Committee are showing their warts. The American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) and the Open App Markets Act, which are set for markup today, have drawn criticism from large numbers of scholars, researchers, and pundits across the political spectrum. I have written about the legislation directly [...]

Market power doesn’t cause inflation

The recent inflation surge has many consumers and businesses upset — as they should be. Inflation makes it costly to hold liquid assets, which both groups need. Declining dollar values make it more costly for foreign entities to buy from American businesses. Inflation also punishes senior citizens whose savings shrink through no fault of their [...]