What’s going on at the Federal Trade Commission? (with Bilal Sayyed — part II)

Under Chairwoman Lina Khan’s leadership, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is undergoing a number of process reforms that are poised to make the commission less democratic by allocating more power to the chair herself. If successful, what impact will these reforms have on the future of the commission — and on the laws it’s tasked [...]

What’s going on at the Federal Trade Commission? (with Bilal Sayyed — part I)

Under Chairwoman Lina Khan’s leadership, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is undergoing a number of process reforms that are poised to make the commission less democratic by allocating more power to the chair herself. If successful, what impact will these reforms have on the future of the commission — and on the laws it’s tasked [...]

The FTC moves toward a command economy

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan released a memo on September 22 outlining her vision and priorities for the agency. The memo provides a roadmap for the agency to play a central role in the Joe Biden administration’s plan to centrally command the American economy, a strategy articulated in his July executive order and [...]

Apple v. Epic ruling demonstrates that antitrust cases should be judged on merit

It’s becoming clear why neo-Brandeisians like an authoritarian approach to antitrust for Big Tech: Big Tech tends to win when cases are tried on their merits. Big Tech’s latest win occurred late last week when US District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ruled in Apple’s favor in Epic Games’ private-action antitrust suit against Apple. Epic [...]

Social media companies shouldn’t be pressed into a common-carrier mold

The view in Washington appears to be that social media has become so important that it must come under government control. That this is a non sequitur seems lost on many. For example, some members of the House and Senate have mistakenly pressured Big Tech to steepen the political tilt of its content moderation. The [...]