With CenterPoint in the hot seat, Texas policymakers look to harden the state’s power transmission and distribution

Some policymakers are looking to Florida for lessons, given the state’s superior record when it comes to restoring power quickly after major storms. Director of Energy Studies at the Public Utility Research Center Ted Kury explains how Florida was able to make appropriate updates to the state’s power systems. Read more in this story from [...]

Rising Frustration in Houston After Millions Lost Power in Storm

With outages expected to last days, a top state official promised to look into whether the utility company could have done more to prepare for Hurricane Beryl. Director of Energy Studies at the Public Utility Research Center Ted Kury shares some trade-offs to consider with storm hardening efforts. Read more in this story at The [...]

Examining The Scope And Scale Of PG&E’s Plan To Bury 10,000 Miles Of Power Lines

Pacific Gas & Electric came out last week with a cost estimate for the first phase of its plan to put thousands of miles of power lines underground, ballparking it at $9 billion to $13.5 billion according to the San Jose Mercury News for the first 3,600 miles of lines it wants to bury by [...]

Preparing to Harden Electrical Resources for Hurricane Season

Experts responsible for predicting storms that will affect United States communities estimate that up to twenty named storms will cause significant damage in 2021. The first one, Ana, has already occurred before the beginning of June, announcing the start of our annual Hurricane Season. Communities that are likely to suffer effects of significant damage from [...]

Do Your Solar Panels Affect Your Electricity Consumption?

Many solar industry and environmental advocates promote the claim that distribution ownership of energy is efficient. In the “Solar Impacts: Does Distributed Production Affect Consumption Choices?” study, support for this claim rests upon a fundamental assumption shared by and “virtually every current model of compensating distributed generation.” The study points out, however, that this fundamentally [...]