The Challenge of Putting Federal Broadband Funds to Good Use (with Mark Jamison)

Following the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), a Department of Commerce branch known as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has been tasked with allocating $42.5 billion of federal broadband infrastructure funding to state and local governments through the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. This $42.5 billion is [...]

Getting people connected to broadband

Thursday, May 12, 2022 Broadband expansion is on the mind of every public official, broadband provider, and customer. With so many countries testing new solutions and improving traditional approaches to getting broadband into more people's hands, it is important that we compare notes and learn from each other. What are the most economical ways to [...]

Can satellites be used to expand broadband? A conversation with Patrick Masambu.

As you race to help your country expand broadband, you undoubtedly hear from companies like Elon Musk's Starlink telling you that they are the solution to many of your challenges. Are they right? Do their Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite services really compete well with fiber optics or 5G? What do LEO providers need from [...]

Pre-PURC Series: Strategies for Closing the Broadband Gap

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Broadband is more essential than ever before, and many are conflicted over how to expand access and use. What should be done? Some people look to public ownership or government subsidies. These are common reactions in a crisis. Others want to tax Big Tech. What’s right for your situation? More than [...]

If Biden is serious about broadband, he should oppose net neutrality

Remember the debate over whether net neutrality regulations would stimulate or suppress broadband development? Opponents of the regulations asserted that suppressing business opportunities for internet service providers (ISPs) would lead them to cut back on broadband investment. The regulation proponents struggled to make clear arguments that imposing net neutrality would stimulate investment, but the argument [...]