
Free speech in the digital age: Assessing the values and consequences of free expression

Does free speech apply to all corners of society, including the internet? The Constitution prohibits Congress from making any law “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,” and, since the 1960s, courts have interpreted this as an expansive right of individuals and institutions with few exceptions. However, public support for free speech seems [...]

What the leaked FTC memos on Google really teach us

Politico did well for itself in producing five articles based on leaked internal Federal Trade Commission (FTC) documents related to the agency’s decision not to pursue an antitrust case against Google eight years ago. (See here, here, here, here, and here.) The articles tell a story of FTC lawyers, Facebook, and Amazon warning political appointees [...]

Adam Smith’s Advice to President Biden

In his first 100 days in office, President Joe Biden is demonstrating his preference for controlling other people’s money over letting them build future wealth. He had taxpayers finance a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill that has little to do with COVID relief. He’s encouraging Amazon’s employees to unionize. His green energy plans emphasize industry [...]

PURC Transformation Package

Regulation during and after the pandemic Will your organization return to business as usual after the pandemic? Most will not. What skills and strategies will you need to transform your organization to be successful during this unprecedented time? PURC's learning engagements uniquely integrate the analytical, strategic, and leadership skills that people need to be successful [...]

3 holes in the antitrust cases against Facebook

Wednesday was a tough day for 46 state attorneys general and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), who had filed antitrust lawsuits against Facebook in December 2020. On Wednesday, they got their first taste of Facebook’s rebuttal in the form of motions to dismiss the cases (here and here). It’s not looking good for the government’s [...]