
Senator Hawley’s ‘trust-busting’ bill would actually bust consumers and small business

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has introduced legislation he dubbed the “Trust-Busting for the Twenty-First Century Act.” It has no cosponsors and no companion bill in the House of Representatives. Perhaps others in Congress are skeptical. If they are, it would be for good reason: The proposed law would damage the people it purports to help. [...]

Principles and Strategies for Effective Leadership in the “New Normal”

As my close friend was telling me about the challenges she had gone through during the pandemic, I kept hearing Marty Linsky’s words in my head: “Leadership is an improvisational art: It cannot be scripted moment to moment.” Like most of us, my friend struggled to keep herself and her team afloat ever since the [...]

Journalism preservation is based on misinformation

According to members of Congress, American journalism is on the ropes. “Newspapers are locked in a life-or-death struggle with tech giants,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). “We have seen thousands of news organizations crushed by the monopolistic power of Big Tech,” according to Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO). And Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) argued “media outlets [...]

Biden’s broadband plan would waste $100 billion

Public Utility Research Center Director and Gunter Professor Mark Jamison argues that President Biden’s proposed strategies related to broadband in his American Jobs Plan have already been tested and don’t work. Read more of Jamison’s reasoning in this opinion piece from The Hill.

Antitrust cases could be bad for iPhone users

iPhone users are likely to be the unintended victims of some current antitrust activities: The US Department of Justice and some state attorneys general are targeting Apple’s contracts with Google. The contracts have Apple preinstalling some Google apps and making Google Search the default search engine on iPhones. Several state legislatures and the European Union [...]