
What lies ahead for Section 230? Highlights from an expert panel discussion

On May 26, AEI hosted a web event on the future of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. For the discussion, Dr. Jamison was joined by AEI’s Daniel Lyons, Duke University’s Matt Perault, and Kate Tummarello of Engine View the highlights of this discussion at AEI.

New bills show Congress is unprepared to improve antitrust

Last week, 10 members of the House Judiciary Committee introduced five new antitrust bills. One would simply change the filing fees companies must pay when notifying the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission of an intended merger. The other four would make the US an unwelcoming place for innovators who want to build dynamic [...]

Preparing to Harden Electrical Resources for Hurricane Season

Experts responsible for predicting storms that will affect United States communities estimate that up to twenty named storms will cause significant damage in 2021. The first one, Ana, has already occurred before the beginning of June, announcing the start of our annual Hurricane Season. Communities that are likely to suffer effects of significant damage from [...]

3 reasons why the Ohio attorney general’s lawsuit against Google is flawed

The Ohio attorney general (OAG) has filed an antitrust case against Google asking the court to classify Google as a common carrier or public utility, require that Google be “fair” in how it presents search results, and permanently enjoin Google from promoting its products more than it promotes rivals’ products. The OAG says these actions [...]

Punishing Amazon for being really good

The District of Columbia attorney general (DCAG) filed an antitrust suit against Amazon last week, claiming the e-commerce leader harms consumers by causing higher prices. Whether the court agrees or disagrees will depend on how deeply it thinks about the issue. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog post at AEI.