
The metaverse is here, growing, and changing

Facebook’s October announcement that it would become a metaverse company and change its name to Meta created quite a stir. Elon Musk mocked the decision, saying people are unwilling to replace the physical world with a virtual one. Jack Dorsey called it dystopian, and others piled on. But Bill Gates said that most office meetings [...]

Ethics in the Age of a Technological Revolution

In this episode, Dr. Mark Jamison and Palveshey Tariq discuss ethics in the age of a technological revolution. This podcast episode (Ep. 14 — Palveshow) can be listened to on YouTube, as well as the link below.

Reuters’ flawed attack on Amazon is weak

These days, mainstream journalists are taking aim at Big Tech. The Wall Street Journal conducted investigations critical of Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook. Politico obtained leaked internal Federal Trade Commission (FTC) memos and published criticisms of the FTC’s decision to not prosecute Google. The House Judiciary Committee’s majority staff report arguing for regulations and breakups of [...]

Net neutrality is about control, not consumers

Net neutrality is an idea whose time has passed. Well actually, that’s not quite correct: Its time never came, because the potpourri of policy ideas referred to as “net neutrality” (e.g., all bits should be treated the same — no fast lanes — and companies may not pay for customers’ data use — no zero [...]

Mark Jamison on antitrust laws and Big Tech

Mark Jamison is a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he works on how technology affects the economy, and on telecommunications and Federal Communications Commission issues. Banter is AEI’s weekly podcast series, where hosts Robert Doar and Phoebe Keller interview leading thinkers and political commentators on a wide range of policy topics. [...]