
As Hurricane Ian nears, Florida’s grid should benefit from lessons of the past

As Florida braces for what could be its first major hurricane since Irma in 2017 and Michael in 2018, people watch the approaching storm and worry about how it will affect their lives and the lives of their families. A part of their concern lies with the potential impacts of the storm on the system [...]

US Senators Want the US to Imitate Europe’s Tech Policies

Generally, people who want to achieve excellence try to learn from the best: Ambitious college students seek out successful mentors. Up-and-coming football coaches study Alabama’s Nick Saban. Aspiring business leaders study the greatest CEOs, such as those researched by Jim Collins in Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t (HarperBusiness, [...]

Here’s Why Florida Should Provide Broadband Leadership

The federal government is on a path to waste over $30 billion of the $65 billion it plans to spend over the next few years to expand broadband services throughout the nation. Florida can take steps to keep that waste from happening by assuming a leadership role among states determined that their citizens should receive [...]

Senators May Eradicate Local Journalism

Rumor has it that the Senate Judiciary Committee is ready to mark up Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA). The News/Media Alliance expects the law to force tech companies to give local news publishers billions of dollars. Klobuchar and her cosponsors say the legislation would save these publishers from an existential [...]

AEI Tech Policy: Summer 2022 Recap and Fall Forecast

AEI’s technology policy scholars have been hard at work this summer. Antitrust cases at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), continued debate around Big Tech regulatory proposals in Congress, a massive bipartisan investment in semiconductor chip manufacturing, and the rollout of a national broadband infrastructure funding program are just a few examples of recent policy developments [...]