Articles by: Mark Jamison

Getting people connected to broadband

Thursday, May 12, 2022 Broadband expansion is on the mind of every public official, broadband provider, and customer. With so many countries testing new solutions and improving traditional approaches to getting broadband into more people's hands, it is important that we compare notes and learn from each other. What are the most economical ways to [...]

Free speech, hate speech and the role of government

Host Shirley Rooker speaks with Mark Jamison of the American Enterprise Institute, who discusses the reasons government regulation of what we see on social media is a threat to democracy. This podcast (Of Consuming Interest) can be listened to on wherever you listen to podcasts, as well as the link below.

Exploring the Metaverse

Last year, Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, signaling its shift from traditional social media to a big bet on the so-called metaverse. This network of 3D, online spaces is accessed through virtual reality headsets like Meta’s Oculus and promises to revolutionize internet communications. But is there substance behind the hype, or is the metaverse just [...]

Can satellites be used to expand broadband? A conversation with Patrick Masambu.

As you race to help your country expand broadband, you undoubtedly hear from companies like Elon Musk's Starlink telling you that they are the solution to many of your challenges. Are they right? Do their Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite services really compete well with fiber optics or 5G? What do LEO providers need from [...]

How should states put federal broadband funds to use? A conversation with Sen. Deb Fischer

On April 4, AEI’s Ajit Pai hosted an event on how states can use $65 billion from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) for broadband build-out. Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE) emphasized that the IIJA’s priority is to connect unserved communities to the internet and recommended that individual states establish broadband offices. Watch the recorded [...]