4 ways Clinton tech plan would destroy US tech leadership

It seems that Silicon Valley and pundits from the left and the right have found a lot to love in Hillary Clinton’s technology and innovation agenda. Maybe they should think again. News headlines have characterized the plan as a love letter to Silicon Valley or a Silicon Valley wish list. Indeed, the trade group The Software Alliance issued a press release embracing the candidate’s agenda. The left-leaning advocacy group Public Knowledge is excited for expanded taxpayer funding for Internet and more net neutrality. The Washington Post quoted Berin Szoka, president of the right-leaning Tech Freedom, as saying that Clinton “hit the ball out of the park about making broadband deployment easier,” a comment that the think tank repeated on its Facebook page. Despite this enthusiasm, there is much to worry about in this agenda as it provides a blueprint for diminishing US leadership in tech.

Read “4 ways Clinton tech plan would destroy US tech leadership” on AEI.