Floridians can’t afford to waste the broadband dollars Congress will send our way

Floridians need to get ready for the millions of broadband dollars that Congress is about to send. The latest draft of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill has $65 billion targeted for broadband development. It is unknown how much of this will come to Florida. But if we aren’t ready to manage the money wisely, we’ll [...]

The White House’s $65 billion broadband subsidies lack accountability. Here’s how to add it.

The White House has announced what it calls a historic bipartisan infrastructure deal that would cost about $1.2 trillion. About 27 percent of the money goes to what is generally thought of as infrastructure: roads, bridges, railroads, the electric grid, and water and wastewater systems. $65 billion, or about 6 percent of the total, is [...]

Joe Biden sets regulation and antitrust back 100 years

Much of the mainstream media seemed to gush over President Joe Biden’s executive order (EO) ramping up regulation of American business. Headlines claimed the order would “tackle corporate abuses” (Reuters), “boost competition ‘across the board’” (CNBC), crack “down on anticompetitive economic practices” (CBS News), and launch an “assault on monopolies” (Politico). A Washington Post headline [...]

Joe Biden and Congress make wasteful proposals for closing the digital divide

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the value of broadband for education, healthcare, working remotely, and the like. It also highlighted gaps in broadband connectivity between well-served locations and areas that either have inadequate broadband or lack it altogether. This situation has naturally captured the attention of policymakers. Read Dr. Jamison's complete clog post at AEI.

Should the FCC’s economic analyses be overseen by the White House?

A 2019 Department of Justice (DOJ) opinion concluded that the president may direct independent agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to submit regulatory actions for review, including cost-benefit analyses of the intended actions. I’ll defer to others on whether such a move is legal, but White House control of FCC regulatory analysis is [...]