Should Big Tech be taxed to fill the broadband gap?

America’s pandemic experience has created a sense of urgency for expanding broadband. Pew Research found that 53 percent of Americans considered the internet essential throughout the COVID-19 crisis. But as acting Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel frequently points out, many students have not had broadband at home for doing homework or attending online [...]

Trump will win his free speech cases, even if he loses in court

Earlier this year, I wrote that Big Tech would never be the same after kicking former President Donald Trump off of their platforms. My prediction was that this demonstration of Big Tech’s power would lead political actors to appropriate that power for their own ends. Sadly, that prediction was correct: Members of the House and [...]

Joe Biden sets regulation and antitrust back 100 years

Much of the mainstream media seemed to gush over President Joe Biden’s executive order (EO) ramping up regulation of American business. Headlines claimed the order would “tackle corporate abuses” (Reuters), “boost competition ‘across the board’” (CNBC), crack “down on anticompetitive economic practices” (CBS News), and launch an “assault on monopolies” (Politico). A Washington Post headline [...]

Should we use antitrust to break up Big Tech? A long-read Q&A with Mark Jamison

Some Americans are increasingly viewing our largest technology companies with suspicion. Google exercises too much control over information, Facebook and Twitter are silencing conservatives, and Amazon is crowding out competitors, we are told. Legislators have responded to these worries with proposals to rein in these tech giants, break them up, or punish them for their [...]

Mark Jamison: Is Big Tech anticompetitive?

America’s biggest tech companies have revolutionized work, entertainment, and just about every aspect of life. But some in Washington are raising concerns about Big Tech, hoping to make the tech sector more competitive using antitrust action. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook are seen as too powerful, anticompetitive, or politically biased. In this episode, guest [...]