Journalism needs new business models, not more complaints about Big Tech

People seeking government protections from market competition generally tell a story about the nobility of their work and how society suffers if the protection-seekers face competition. The Bell System monopoly argued that rural America would lose telephone service if MCI was allowed to provide long distance service. Google, Facebook et al. argued that net neutrality [...]

Antitrust shouldn’t be personal or political

Last week, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes’ called for governments to use antitrust laws to break up his former company. Why? Because he doesn’t like Mark Zuckerberg as CEO, and Democrats lost the presidency in 2016. This is antitrust getting personal and political, and it’s not good. Read the full post "Antitrust shouldn't be personal or [...]

Democrats won’t break up Big Tech, but they might destroy it

There is a rising chorus among Democrats that the US should use antitrust laws to break up Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren’s plan is to break up those companies and turn what’s left into federally regulated utility platforms. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is backing the plan. Another presidential hopeful, John Hickenlooper, has [...]

Buttigieg, Sprint/T-Mobile, and Spotify vs. Apple show why old-school antitrust doesn’t work for tech

I agree with presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the mayor from Indiana who wants to be our country’s next president. Or at least I agree with his statement at a CNN town hall meeting: “Antitrust law as we know it has begun to hit its limits with regulating tech companies.” Read the full post "Buttigieg, Sprint/T-Mobile, [...]