The Wall Street Journal’s study of Google search bias appears to be biased

The Wall Street Journal recently reported a shocking revelation: Senior Google employees exert “editorial control over what (its search engine) shows users.” Another journalist and member of the managing board of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago echoed: “Google is everything we feared.” Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

Consumers embrace Big Tech

Arguments made to break up the Big Tech companies include: Breakup proponents say the companies are too big and too successful, their customers are captured by brand names, and they have so much data and money that rivals can’t compete. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full op ed online at AEI.

Facebook vs. Twitter on political advertising: Different principles or different economics?

I take Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at their word when they say their different stands on political advertising are based on principles, not economics. But each company’s approach to political advertising can be profitable. It depends on how users and political actors respond. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online [...]

The U.S. should NOT have a digital regulator

The latest bad idea Europe may be exporting to the US is that of forming a specialized digital regulator. The UK is apparently moving this direction based on the recommendation of Jason Furman, who headed President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

3 reasons Democratic presidential candidates are right to be skeptical about breaking up Big Tech

Amid the bipartisan rush to judgment on Big Tech, there was a glimmer of hope in the recent debate among the Democratic presidential contenders: Some pushed back on prejudging tech antitrust cases. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.