The EU should take an evolutionary approach to artificial intelligence regulation

Should people be worried about AI? Yes, but they should be more worried about AI regulation. Read the full post "The EU should take an evolutionary approach to artificial intelligence regulation" on AEI.

Left and right should let tech markets work

Corralling Big Tech would work against the stated goals of the left and the right. Read the full post "Left and right should let tech markets work" on AEI.

Is trust near all-time lows, or has the internet brought it to all-time highs?

Conventional wisdom says that trust is on the decline in America, especially trust in institutions. Then why is there so much growth in social media and online business, both of which require trust? Read the full post "Is trust near all-time lows, or has the internet brought it to all-time highs?" on AEI.

Big Tech and the backwards logic of the neo-Brandeisians

Neo-Brandeisian (NB) antitrust has caught on with many journalists and politicians. Its backwards logic will harm consumers and American businesses if it plays out in actual antitrust actions. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

Research shows that blocking mergers improves innovation? Not so fast!

A recent paper and accompanying blog conclude that merger policy in tech should block more mergers, including mergers that would make consumers better off, because doing so increases innovation. That’s pretty surprising! Even if each approved merger makes consumers better off, the overall effect is consumer harm? How could that be? Read Dr. Mark Jamison's [...]