House antitrust report on Big Tech recommends punishing business success

The House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic leadership has released its long-awaited report detailing how the government should remake the US tech industry. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

Faulty antitrust recommendations to the House Judiciary Committee

Despite evidence that the government is unable to manage businesses in even well-understood industries (the Postal Service, Amtrak, and Obamacare come to mind), many people hold a committed faith that government control could work for the complex and dynamic industry that is tech. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

Modernizing Section 230: Updating the internet’s liability shield

There is growing interest in reforming Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This statute protects internet companies that host content from being legally liable for what their users and readers post. Section 230 also lets sites restrict content “in good faith” that the site provider deems to be “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, [...]

The WeChat users’ court win could be a problem for WeChat and TikTok

President Donald Trump’s efforts to address any national security threats emanating from China-based apps WeChat and TikTok received a setback earlier this week. As The Wall Street Journal wrote, “A federal judge in California temporarily blocked the Trump administration’s executive order curbing Americans’ use of WeChat, upholding a motion from users of the popular Chinese-owned [...]

Debunking three common antitrust myths

Sometimes antitrust seems like an evidence-free zone. As with any topic, some writers on antitrust are happy to announce their opinions without explanation or evidence. More troubling are those who support their opinions with arguments that are known to be flawed. These unsupported arguments take the forms of myths that, if repeated enough, become part [...]