Big Tech will never be the same

Over the past few days, Big Tech companies have demonstrated impressive political power. As a result, their futures are now tied more to politics than ever before. They have demonstrated their ability to quickly and significantly damage other businesses, and it is unlikely that their traditional business models will continue. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog [...]

If Biden is serious about broadband, he should oppose net neutrality

Remember the debate over whether net neutrality regulations would stimulate or suppress broadband development? Opponents of the regulations asserted that suppressing business opportunities for internet service providers (ISPs) would lead them to cut back on broadband investment. The regulation proponents struggled to make clear arguments that imposing net neutrality would stimulate investment, but the argument [...]

The EU’s misguided drive to turn America’s Big Tech companies into public utilities

European Union (EU) regulators have targeted America’s Big Tech companies, aiming to make them some of the EU’s most heavily regulated firms. Draft legislation called the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act would effectively make Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and others public utilities in Europe with all of the typical utility obligations [...]

The antitrust cases against Facebook are weak on evidence and logic

There is a lot of force behind the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) and state attorneys’ general (AGs) antitrust cases against Facebook. The number of elected officials who have already passed judgment is impressive. Like-minded activists, interest groups, and academics have been building toward these cases for years with books, papers, programs, and op-eds. But antitrust [...]

3 broadband mistakes that Biden should avoid

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised universal broadband but didn’t deliver. Why not? Money was wasted on programs that delivered little if any broadband, government provision of broadband (which he promoted) was largely unsuccessful, and customers did not want broadband in the ways Obama assumed. If Biden is to make good on his promise, [...]