Big Tech will never be the same

Over the past few days, Big Tech companies have demonstrated impressive political power. As a result, their futures are now tied more to politics than ever before. They have demonstrated their ability to quickly and significantly damage other businesses, and it is unlikely that their traditional business models will continue. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog [...]

On Big Tech, antitrust, and the House Judiciary Committee majority staff’s recommendations

The House Judiciary Committee Antitrust subcommittee majority staff’s October 6 report on antitrust and Big Tech might be important if there is a Joe Biden administration or if the Democrats take control of both chambers of Congress. So it is worth digging into what it says, what it misses, and its possible implications. Read Dr. [...]

House antitrust report on Big Tech recommends punishing business success

The House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic leadership has released its long-awaited report detailing how the government should remake the US tech industry. Read Dr. Mark Jamison's full post online at AEI.

Breaking up Big Tech will not help the US innovate or compete with China

Facebook and Google have argued that breaking them up would damage US competitiveness with China. Vanderbilt Law Professor — and former advisor to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — Ganesh Sitaraman and former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler (now at the Brookings Institution) take exception. Sitaraman argues in Foreign Affairs that breaking up Big Tech [...]

Democrats don’t make a case for regulating Big Tech

In a recent blog post, I wrote that July’s House Judiciary Committee hearing featuring Big Tech CEOs from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google turned into two hearings: one for Democrats, who largely want to control the companies’ business models and finances, and another for Republicans, who mostly want a say in the companies’ content management. [...]