
Will simplistic views of competition harm consumers in 2019?

An alarming number of economists and pundits have been finding pervasive monopoly power where non exists. It would benefit consumers if lawmakers avoid these static, tautological views of competition and instead study actual competition and whether it is being constrained. Read "Will simplistic views of competition harm consumers in 2019?" on AEI.

Would new privacy laws help consumers?

While markets force companies to compensate consumers for access to their personal information, a federal privacy law would impose costs on consumers regardless of their level of comfort with sharing their data. Read "Would new privacy laws help consumers?" on AEI.

Will the EU’s privacy rules doom blockchain in Europe?

Europe’s GDPR presents a potentially intractable roadblock to blockchain technology that will slow or even halt innovation. Read "Will the EU’s privacy rules doom blockchain in Europe?" on AEI.

Why doesn’t the U.S. bury its power lines?

Hurricanes Michael and Florence have knocked power out for millions of people. Burying power lines could help but the costs are high. Read Dr. Ted Kury's complete article on The Conversation.

How can tech companies restore trust? (Part II)

By reshaping the products to fit peoples’ expectations, tech companies can regain public trust – and possibly avoid inviting excessive regulation. Read "How can tech companies restore trust? (Part II)" on AEI.