
Some faulty premises of ‘neutrality’ movement – Part I

Advocates of "neutrality," be it of net, search, or platforms want regulations that effectively turn valuable and dynamic business to tasteless commodities. Yet some relationships should not be neutral if they are to be effective. Read "Some faulty premises of ‘neutrality’ movement — Part I" on AEI.

How much is information worth?

A recent case involving restrictions on consumer data in China shows the value of information and the importance of regulatory humility. Read "How much is information worth?" on AEI.

3 myths about privacy in tech

A recent gathering of economists was marred by three myths about privacy: that privacy regulations stimulate innovation, that people own data about themselves, and that baseless fears justify privacy regulation. Read "3 myths about privacy in tech" on AEI.

5 New Year’s resolutions for tech

There are five major areas in which the tech industry can have a better 2019 than its 2018. Read "5 New Year’s resolutions for tech" on AEI.

The welcome return of economics at the Federal Communications Commission

After several years of silence - at least that's what is seemed like from the outside - FCC economists again have a voice, and consumers and the communications industry will be the beneficiaries. Read "The welcome return of economics at the Federal Communications Commission" on AEI.