
3 things the Federal Trade Commission’s new tech task force should avoid

Is the FTC in danger of being hijacked by phobias and rhetoric? The agency has a good reputation for good analysis, but given the volume of dramatic language used to market regulation on tech companies and the instinctive fear many have of big companies, the agency's new task force will have to be diligent. Read [...]

3 things the Federal Trade Commission’s new tech task force should do

A new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) task force on antitrust in tech is an opportunity to adapt FTC practices to a new reality, but the FTC appears reluctant to change. There are three things the FTC should do to inform its approach. Read "3 things the Federal Trade Commission’s new tech task force should do" [...]

Facebook goes back to the future

Facebook may or may not succeed in ensuring users do not feel like they are under constant surveillance, but the move to bring their services more in line with human nature is an important first step. Read "Facebook goes back to the future" on AEI.

The dangers and false beliefs of designer antitrust

Antitrust enforcement should not be driven by academics, pundits, and rent seekers who believe they know better than markets. Here are 3 of the false beliefs behind "designer antitrust." Read "The dangers and false beliefs of designer antitrust" on AEI.

Some faulty premises of ‘neutrality’ movement – Part II

Advocates of wide-ranging "neutrality" fail to realize that not all ideas flourish in identical conditions, and that platforms cannot survive endless external interference. We should let customers and entrepreneurs play their natural role in the market to discover the best ideas and practices. Read "Some faulty premises of ‘neutrality’ movement — Part II" on AEI.