
To ‘protect’ Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg mimics AT&T in the 20th century

The political pressures on Facebook and other large tech companies is immense, so developing strategies for placating critics is understandable. But if proposed regulations weaken competition in the social media marketplace, consumers and social media will be the worse for it. Read "To ‘protect’ Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg mimics AT&T in the 20th century" on AEI.

Economists at the Federal Communications Commission study economists!

A recent study by the Federal Communications Commission's newly-formed Office of Economics and Analytics has found that agencies with functional economics units have higher-quality regulatory impact analyses - thus justifying the creation of the OEA. Read "Economists at the Federal Communications Commission study economists!" on AEI.

Facebook moves further back to the future

Will Facebook's recent move to give users more information about why they see content in their Newsfeed stave off regulation? Or have the economics of politics caught up with the company? Read "Facebook moves further back to the future" on AEI.

A dark(er) side of Elizabeth Warren’s war on tech?

A dedicated tech regulator along the lines proposed by Elizabeth Warren would face enormous political pressure in its rulings and threaten basic American freedoms. Read "A dark(er) side of Elizabeth Warren’s war on tech?" on AEI.

The FCC is fixing a rural broadband embarrassment, but work remains

The FCC's move to a reverse auction approach for rural broadband subsidies is a good first step. To further improve the subsidy system, they should consider ways to eliminate duplicate subsidies across federal programs and states. Read "The FCC is fixing a rural broadband embarrassment, but work remains" on AEI.