
Germany’s proposed antitrust law would harm consumers and technology

Germany is on its way to becoming the world’s most intensely regulatory state for digital business. Read the full post "Germany's proposed antitrust law would harm consumers and technology" on AEI.

European Commission’s AI regulations would limit possibility

The Executive Branch of the European Commission is working hard to protect Europeans from a promising future. Read the full article "European Commission's AI regulations would limit possibility" on AEI.

Europe’s digital empire is doomed to fail

Europe's penchant for regulation and suspicion of entrepreneurship has caused its tech leaders to, well, not lead: The world's top tech companies are all from the US or China. Read the full post "Europe's digital empire is doomed to fail" on AEI.

The EU should take an evolutionary approach to artificial intelligence regulation

Should people be worried about AI? Yes, but they should be more worried about AI regulation. Read the full post "The EU should take an evolutionary approach to artificial intelligence regulation" on AEI.

Left and right should let tech markets work

Corralling Big Tech would work against the stated goals of the left and the right. Read the full post "Left and right should let tech markets work" on AEI.