
3 reasons why Biden will kill off net neutrality

There are several reasons to think that a Biden administration will resurrect net neutrality, a policy adopted by the Obama Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2015 and then reversed by the Trump FCC in 2017. Yet there are reasons to believe a Biden administration will actually kill net neutrality. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog post [...]

On Big Tech, antitrust, and the House Judiciary Committee majority staff’s recommendations

The House Judiciary Committee Antitrust subcommittee majority staff’s October 6 report on antitrust and Big Tech might be important if there is a Joe Biden administration or if the Democrats take control of both chambers of Congress. So it is worth digging into what it says, what it misses, and its possible implications. Read Dr. [...]

How Politicians Use Your Social Media Data & How to Combat False or Misleading Information Before the Election

Since the first Obama presidential campaign, social media experts have assumed major roles in shaping political communication. Social media has proved effective to influence voters’ perceptions, beliefs, and decisions. Unfortunately, significant amounts of information spread through Internet platforms have generated false, misleading and dangerous claims, images, and fabricated news. Studies conducted at such credible institutions [...]

Big Tech and antitrust: Assessing the House Judiciary Committee staff report

America’s historical approach to antitrust has promoted economic competition for the consumer’s benefit. Decades of scholarship and careful legal practice created this approach and formulated rigorous analytical tools to support it, enabling a vibrant, dynamic, and market-oriented economy. Recently, a new movement has arisen that seeks to undo this approach and replace it with policies [...]

If the Justice Department’s antitrust suit against Google succeeds, consumers lose

Americans should watch their wallets: The US Department of Justice (DOJ) wants to lift between $1,800 and $2,600 annually from the average American who uses Google search. You won’t find those numbers in the DOJ press announcement or case filing in the antitrust suit against Google, but this is the likely consequence if the DOJ [...]