
Who Benefits from the American Innovation and Choice Online Act?

Supporters of the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) recently announced that they intend to hold a Senate vote to pass the legislation. The bill would require companies that have reached particular sizes, such as 50 million users who like a company’s service so much that they actively use it every month, to stop [...]

The Challenge of Putting Federal Broadband Funds to Good Use (with Mark Jamison)

Following the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), a Department of Commerce branch known as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has been tasked with allocating $42.5 billion of federal broadband infrastructure funding to state and local governments through the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. This $42.5 billion is [...]

Congress Should Act Promptly to Reauthorize Radio Spectrum Auctions

With all the global leadership and economic problems the US faces, you might think Congress would act swiftly to reauthorize a program that has established the US as a recognized world leader and raised over $230 billion for the US Treasury without raising taxes. Unfortunately, you might be wrong. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog post [...]

Incoherence in the War on Big Tech

The bipartisan and multinational attack on US tech companies has become incoherent. It always had weak intellectual foundations, which is why arguments against Big Tech firms are long on mantras about them being gigantic and bad, ad hominem attacks, and fearmongering. Now the arguments have become contradictory. The cases against Big Tech rest on a [...]

The Crypto Crash Is Good for Crypto

The recent fall in cryptocurrency (crypto) and non-fungible token (NFT) values has led to anxiety, finger wagging, and calls for regulation. This is not surprising; bitcoin prices have fallen by one-third in the last 30 days. The largest crypto exchange, Coinbase, is laying off nearly one-fifth of its workforce. And the largest crypto lender, Celsius, [...]