Articles by: Mark Jamison

Break Up Big Tech? The Economics of Antitrust from Both Sides of the Question

The success of the digital economy has given rise to some of the wealthiest companies the world has ever known. Over the last decade or more, concerns have arisen among some economists about whether existing antitrust laws are adequate to address the market power exercised by these “Big Tech” companies and their products and platforms [...]

Russians Need More Access to Internet Content, Not Less. Social Networks Should Re-Open There.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is domestically propped up by misinformation and his propaganda machine, not informed popular support. Putin’s fear of the truth leaking to his citizens is obvious. Look no further than his ruthless efforts to control and bend communications about the conflict, including his move to shut off Russians’ access [...]

Rail Regulators Should Heed the Lessons of Aggressive Telecom Rules

The U.S. Surface Transportation Board (STB) is considering a rule that could increase the economic cost of shipping by rail without providing any benefits. That’s a bad idea. At issue is a policy called reciprocal switching, where a company shipping something by freight rail obtains access to a competing railroad’s track, equipment and facilities for [...]

Klobuchar and Clark are wrong about the Department of Defense competition study

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and retired US Army Gen. Wesley Clark teamed up in an Open Markets Institute forum to argue in support of current efforts in Congress to rewrite the meaning of antitrust in the US. These efforts include Klobuchar’s American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA), the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform [...]

Meta and Oculus: Under the FTC’s watchful eye | IN 60 SECONDS

Meta has come under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission for supposedly anticompetitive conduct concerning the Oculus headset and App Store, despite the fact that virtual reality is still very new to the market and needs time to adapt to consumer demands. This can only mean trouble for the future of the metaverse. Watch Dr. [...]