Next Practices Live with David Cox, CANTO Chairman

We are all in uncharted territory. How are you managing it? For their part, telecom operators and their regulators worldwide are partnering with governments to address the COVID 19 pandemic. But since this is the worst pandemic in over 100 years, there are no best practices. We’ve not been down this road before.

David Cox, the Chairman of CANTO and Head of Regulatory Affairs for Cable & Wireless – Caribbean, joined PURC for the first “Next Practices Live” to discuss how he and his organizations are addressing the current emergency. How are they forming their partnerships? What strategies are they trying? How are they caring for their employees and their customers? What are they learning and what is their best thinking on what happens next? CANTO is an association of companies and organizations focusing on ICT in the Caribbean. David’s ICT company is spread around the globe, so he discussed efforts across multiple regions of the world.

This session of “Next Practices Live” utilized an online Zoom meeting. PURC director Mark Jamison moderated this session in a Q&A format. He and David interacted for about 15 minutes before opening the program for others to ask questions.

*The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this video belong solely to the speaker, and not to the speaker’s employer, organization, or professional affiliation.