Blackstone LaunchPad

The Blackstone LaunchPad network ensures entrepreneurship is accessible and relevant to every college student, regardless of major or future goals. Blackstone joins UF to create a campus hub for innovation, where students cultivate entrepreneurial skills, receive guidance from a dedicated faculty director, and connect with like-minded peers.

Career Connections Center space

Welcome to The LaunchPad

Come visit us in the Career Connections Center located in the Reitz Union. Schedule a 1-on-1 confidential mentor meeting, join one of our industry speaker events, RSVP for innovation mixers or check out ways to compete for cash! Visit UF’s StartupTree for our schedule and further details.

Skills for Career Success

The skills needed to build a successful business – creativity, problem solving, determination and clear communication – are the skills needed to build a successful career. The Blackstone LaunchPad gives students the opportunity to hone these skills so they can compete in the job market and fully realize their potential.

A Powerful Network

The LaunchPad network gives students opportunities to learn from established entrepreneurs, business leaders and Blackstone professionals. Through this, they see what entrepreneurial skills look like in a day-to-day career context and are mentored as they bring their ideas to life.