Business Plan Resource Support
Section IX: Overall Schedule
A graphical schedule that shows the timing and interrelationship of the major events necessary to launch the venture and realize its objectives is an essential part of a business plan. The underlying cash conversion and operating cycle of the business will provide key inputs for the schedule. In addition to being a planning aid by showing deadlines critical to a venture’s success, a well-presented schedule can be extremely valuable in convincing potential investors that the management team is able to plan for venture growth in a way that recognizes obstacles and minimizes investor risk. Since the time necessary to do things tends to be underestimated in most business plans, it is important to demonstrate that you have correctly estimated these amounts in determining the schedule (Nuts & Bolts of Great Business Plans).
Internet Resources
- Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Production schedule from the Maricopa Center for learning and Instruction - PERT chart on NetMBA and Gantt chart on NetMBA
Definitions and examples of both planning charts from NetMBA - PERT chart on Mind Tools and Gantt chart on Mind Tools
Use of these tools in relation to the project schedule from Mind Tools.