Combination Bachelor’s/Master’s

Lillyan Magley

This program has been the highlight of my time at UF. Not only have I developed an expansive knowledge of commercial real estate, I’ve been on site tours, galivanted through conferences, and most importantly developed a priceless network of industry professionals. I am so proud to say, “I’m in the MSRE program at the University of Florida” and I’m grateful to be a part of this community that will last a lifetime.

Lillyan Magley
Class of 2023

For current UF undergraduate students interested in earning a bachelor’s and master’s degree in real estate education.

  • Save time & money
  • Approximately one semester beyond bachelor’s degree
  • 34 credits (12 credits double count between bachelor’s and master’s degrees)

Program at a Glance

Program Cost: In-state: $11,680 | Out-of-State: $27,623
(Additional university fees may apply. Prices subject to change.)

Additional Info: Florida Bright Futures Scholarship and/or Florida Prepaid will pay the undergraduate tuition rate for up to 12 graduate credits.

Start Dates: August & January

Classes Meet: In person

A Four Year Program for Highly Qualified Students

The Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) Combination Degree Program is designed for highly qualified and motivated undergraduate students seeking to complete both an undergraduate and MSRE degree in four years. Admission to the MSRE Combination Degree Program is based on a number of factors including the applicant’s GMAT or GRE scores, work experience, involvement in real estate and academic record. Most combination degree students entered the University of Florida with a significant number of college credits. With permission from their undergraduate departments, the combination degree program allows students to use 12 hours of graduate coursework toward both their undergraduate and MSRE degree. Combination degree students need to complete their bachelor’s degree at least one Fall or Spring semester before earning their MSRE degree, they cannot graduate with their undergraduate degree in Spring and then the MSRE in Summer.

Other Program Highlights:

  • Undergraduate students from any college/major may apply. Some prior course work in finance, accounting, business statistics or economics is preferable but not required.
  • Combination degree students will complete the MSRE Program alongside students with work experience in the field, in courses taught by UF Hough Graduate Business School faculty and highly qualified industry professionals, with exposure to a variety of visiting industry professionals.
  • A significant percentage of the graduate credit hours required to complete the MSRE program can be funded at a reduced cost if the student has qualified for Bright Futures or if they are enrolled under the Florida Prepaid College Tuition Program.
  • MSRE Combination Degree students may also take an additional 6 graduate credits as an undergraduate to store for use toward the graduate degree while still eligible for Bright Futures benefits.