Overregulation Threatens the Digital Economy

America has a vibrant history of innovation and entrepreneurship. This heritage laid the foundation for today’s bustling e-marketplace and its unparalleled successes. Ninety-five percent of Americans participate, creating over 10 percent of US gross domestic product. Nearly three-fourths of small businesses credit ecommerce for their survival through the pandemic. Fifty-three percent reported in 2023 that [...]

When It Comes to Big Tech, Regulatory Ambition Ignores Consumers’ Choices

In the halls of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and across the Atlantic in the chambers of the European Commission (EC), not to mention within the borders of Florida and Texas, government officials seem to believe they are better suited than market forces to shape the futures of successful tech platforms like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, [...]

Why Christine Wilson’s Resignation from the FTC Matters

With Christine Wilson’s departure, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has lost a champion for high-quality work and open debate. Many will miss her, but the staff and consumers will suffer the most. What’s even sadder is that it seems that losing her as a commissioner was necessary to lay bare the FTC’s rapid decay. The [...]