Tag: regulation
America has a vibrant history of innovation and entrepreneurship. This heritage laid the foundation for today’s bustling e-marketplace and its unparalleled successes. Ninety-five percent of Americans participate, creating over 10 percent of US gross domestic product. Nearly three-fourths of small businesses credit ecommerce for their survival through the pandemic. Fifty-three percent reported in 2023 that [...]
In the halls of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and across the Atlantic in the chambers of the European Commission (EC), not to mention within the borders of Florida and Texas, government officials seem to believe they are better suited than market forces to shape the futures of successful tech platforms like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, [...]
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) marked a significant change in tactics for bridging the digital divide—the gap between broadband haves and have-nots—by ushering in the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. Intended to bring the digital age into unserved and underserved areas, the BEAD program is armed with $42.45 billion allocated [...]
In a concerning turn of events, the now Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is expanding its control of telecommunications beyond what the agency had in the days of Ma Bell’s monopoly. As a result, Americans are facing diminished broadband services at a higher cost. The FCC is overreaching on two fronts. One is its push [...]
Red states like Florida are fast becoming magnets for people with entrepreneurial drive and a desire to be free of heavy government regulations. In 2021, Florida added 2,715 new information technology (tech) businesses—more than any other state. Texas added 10,851 tech jobs in 2021, more than double California’s gain. Florida led the nation in net [...]