The Perils of a Google Breakup: A Warning for American Business

As American voters consider a potential Harris administration, it’s worth thinking about what it might mean for American business. In its ongoing antitrust case against Google, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is considering structural remedies including breaking up the tech giant, a troubling preview. While Europe and China might cheer the move, Americans should be [...]

DuckDuckGo’s Bold Play to Weaken Competition

Give DuckDuckGo (DDG) credit for its spirit. After 15 years of trying, the search engine ranks fifth globally. But it has stagnated and even DDG admits it isn’t on par with Google. Now, rather than innovating to surpass its competitors, DDG is asking the government to force Google to hand over the secret sauce that [...]

Europe’s Antitrust Misstep: How Its Decision Against Google Will Harm Consumers and Businesses

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, is one of the most profitable and valuable firms globally, and one of the most admired. That admiration, however, does not extend to government regulators. Google is currently facing over 100 investigations worldwide, and in some of its biggest cases this year, it has come out on the losing side. While [...]

Everyone Loses in Google’s Antitrust Ruling

Last week, US District Judge Amit P. Mehta handed down a significant ruling, finding that Google unlawfully maintained a monopoly in general internet search and search text advertising. This decision marks another chapter in a four-year saga initiated during the Trump administration, with Google already signaling its intent to appeal. The Department of Justice (DOJ) [...]

Lax Merger Enforcement Is a Myth

Sometimes a false narrative is repeated so often that people accept it as true. This has been the situation with mergers in the US, where numerous government officials, some academics, and others have accepted and repeated a narrative that merger oversight has grown weak since the 1980s, resulting in increased industry concentration and market power. [...]