Fisher School of Accounting Advisory Board
The Fisher School of Accounting Advisory Board serves an important role in insuring that the School offers rigorous and relevant programs. It provides advice, counsel, and assistance to faculty, students, and staff. The Advisory Board members are leaders in the accounting profession, including public accounting firms, industry, government, and academia.
- Justin Avery
KPMG - Mike Balter
Marcum - Jeremy Blank
Deloitte - Julie K. Blocker
PwC - Scott Bridgman
CliftonLarsonAllen - Stephen M. Bunch
Spoor Bunch Franz - Joseph Cannella
KPMG Retired - Danny Castro
BDO - Scott Cerutti
Deloitte - Wendi Christensen
Deloitte - Paul J. Droubie
KPMG - Debbie Durkin-Mason
Durkin & Mason, PA, CPAs - Dan Felgner
PwC - Adrienne J. Figur
EY - Chrislynn Freed
University of Southern California - Brad Gould
Comiter Singer - Jeff Hartman
Protiviti - John S. Haven III
CFO, Elite Construction of Ocala LLC – a Quanta Services company - Kevin Herzberg
RealAdvice, Inc. - Alan R. Kirschenbaum
Alvarez & Marsal Taxand - Michael L. Kohner
HBK CPAs & Consultants - Lara Long
AGCO - Frank Mason
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC - Ryan McAndrew
RSM - Dan McHugh
Retired, Point 72 Asset Management, Citigroup - Joelen K. Merkel
Consultant - Becky Moore
Ellrich, Neal, Smith & Stohlman - Steven Morrison
CohnReznick LLP - Manny Ordonez
RSM - Cindy Pekrul
CNN Worldwide - Todd Piacentine
Grant Thornton - Traci Kratish Pumo
Skyline Analytics - Mike Quackenbush
PwC - Nick Reader
MVP Holdings - Sean Richards
EY - Gregory A. Rosica
EY - Dara M. Simon
Cherry Bekaert - James R. Southall, Jr.
Truist Bank - Robert Tache
Deloitte - Steve Thibault
Deloitte Retired - David Uslan
Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund - Ken Vitek
Berkowitz Pollack Brant - Bettina Weiss
McKinsey & Company - Mike Willis
PwC Retired - Brian Zophin
Crowe Horwath
- Russell Bogue
- J. Michael Cook
- Doug Cooper
- Jeffrey Davidson
- Joseph Davis
- Matt Dumar
- Robert Feldmann
- Fredrick Fisher
- Wayne (Skipp) Fraser
- G. Thomas Frankland
- Doug Gawrych
- Patrick Gramling
- Johnnie James
- George J. Kehl
- Stanley Levy
- Rodrigo “Roddy” Melendez
- Steve Messing
- Joan Millet
- Henry Miyares
- Harold Monk, Jr.
- Russel Natherson
- Steven Rainey
- Barbara Jean Raskin
- Jack Rybicki
- Mike Shemelya
- Richard Simonet
- Loreen Spencer
- Larry Thoele
- Doug Thompson
- Alfred C. Warrington IV