Teacher of the Year Awards

J. Michael Cook Excellence in Teaching Award

J. Michael Cook is the former CEO of Deloitte and a longtime supporter of the Fisher School. He earned his bachelor’s in accounting from the University of Florida in 1964. Named after Cook, the Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Commons in Gerson Hall is the heart of the building. He has been a longtime supporter of excellence in teaching, including the Fisher School teaching award, and he sponsors the American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize as the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting.

2023-2024Cindy Dosch
2022-2023Scott Rane
2021-2022Michael Ricci
2020-2021Michael Schadewald
2019-2020Robert Ronald Carnes
2018-2019Michael Mayberry
2017-2018Sonia Singh
2016-2017Jennifer Wu Tucker
2015-2016Christopher Falk
2014-2015Justin Leiby
2013-2014Kathy Rupar
2012-2013Paul Madsen
2011-2012Marcus Kirk
2010-2011Jesse Boyles
2009-2010Charles L. McDonald
2008-2009Deborah Garvin
2007-2008Victoria Dickinson
2006-2007Stephen Asare
2005-2006Doug Snowball
2004-2005Deborah Garvin
2003-2004Gary McGill
2002-2003Stephen Asare
2001-2002Jesse Boyles
2000-2001Hadley Schaefer
1999-2000Doug Snowball
1998-1999W. Robert Knechel
1997-1998Gary McGill
1996-1997Stephen Asare
1995-1996Deborah Garvin
1994-1995Anwer Ahmed

Fisher School of Accounting Teaching Award

Based on votes of graduating seniors.

1998-1999Stephen Asare
1997-1998Hadley Schaefer
1996-1997Gary McGill
1995-1996Hadley Schaefer
1994-1995Karl Hackenbrack
1993-1994Hadley P. Schaefer
1992-1993Gary McGill
1991-1992Hadley Schaefer
1990-1991E. Dan Smith
1989-1990E. Dan Smith
1988-1989E. Dan Smith
1987-1988Linda S. Bamber
1986-1987E. Dan Smith
1985-1986E. Dan Smith
1984-1985E. Dan Smith
1983-1984E. Dan Smith
1982-1983E. Dan Smith
1981-1982E. Dan Smith
1980-1981P. David Shields
1979-1980E. Dan Smith