BABA General Studies Specialization: Entrepreneurship

The purpose of the entrepreneurship (ENT) area of specialization is to instill a deep appreciation for “entrepreneurship as a life philosophy” by providing an innovative and integrative educational experience while creating opportunities for students to act on this philosophy. The program has been built around two core precepts: “every student an entrepreneur” and “total entrepreneurial immersion.” Our fundamental objective is to help every student on campus recognize their innate entrepreneurial potential and facilitate them acting on that potential. Students are challenged to extend the entrepreneurial mindset to all facets of their lives. We believe entrepreneurship has a role in every discipline, and exciting outcomes derive from connections and collisions that occur when inter-disciplinary linkages are established. The entrepreneurial spirit at UF transcends the business school, embracing every student on campus.

What should a person get better at when exposed to entrepreneurship education? We focus on 13 unique entrepreneurial competencies to complement traditional managerial competencies including: opportunity recognition, opportunity assessment, risk mitigation, resource leveraging, conveying a compelling vision, guerilla skills, focus and adaptation, creative problem-solving, value-creation, tenacity, self-efficacy, resilience, and building and leveraging entrepreneurial networks.


Students are required to earn 12 credit hours (this may require completion of 3 or 4 courses to reach 12 credit hours total) from any of the 3000-4000 level courses listed below and maintain a minimum 2.0 area of specialization GPA. Be sure to check course prerequisite requirements.

  • ENT 3003 Principles of Entrepreneurship (4 credits)
  • ENT 4934 Special Topics (2 credits)
  • ENT XXXX ENT Elective (2 credits)
  • MAR 3400 Professional Selling (4 credits)

Contact Information

Advisors in the Heavener School of Business are the primary point of contact for advising specifically related to this area of specialization. For registration, scheduling, and area-specific questions, please contact:

Heavener School of Business
333 Heavener Hall

Minor Option

A minor is available in this area of specialization. More information about the Entrepreneurship minor in the Undergraduate Catalog.