What social media regulation could look like: Think of pipelines, not utilities

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, and his controversial statements and decisions as its owner, have fueled a new wave of calls for regulating social media companies. Elected officials and policy scholars have argued for years that companies like Twitter and Facebook – now Meta – have immense power over public discussions and can use that [...]

The New Social Media Playbook

Donald Trump and Elon Musk have three things in common: Each is so compelling that friends and foes alike cannot look away; some foes cannot contain their strong visceral reactions; and each man uses the first two effects to his advantage. Watch these show up in Musk’s Twitter playbook. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog post [...]

Market Solutions for Social Media Content Moderation

Content moderation on social media sparks controversy. Arguments for greater restrictions or, conversely, more user liberty are often framed as matters of law, censorship of disfavored ideas, politics, or management of a public square. The social media platforms themselves sometimes approach it as issues of governance, fact-checking, or community response. These approaches are largely top [...]

Russians Need More Access to Internet Content, Not Less. Social Networks Should Re-Open There.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is domestically propped up by misinformation and his propaganda machine, not informed popular support. Putin’s fear of the truth leaking to his citizens is obvious. Look no further than his ruthless efforts to control and bend communications about the conflict, including his move to shut off Russians’ access [...]

How Politicians Use Your Social Media Data & How to Combat False or Misleading Information Before the Election

Since the first Obama presidential campaign, social media experts have assumed major roles in shaping political communication. Social media has proved effective to influence voters’ perceptions, beliefs, and decisions. Unfortunately, significant amounts of information spread through Internet platforms have generated false, misleading and dangerous claims, images, and fabricated news. Studies conducted at such credible institutions [...]