The Evolving Internet and the Net Neutrality Debate

In our rapidly changing digital landscape, the debate over net neutrality has once again taken center stage. However, as we navigate the intricacies of today’s digital world, it becomes increasingly evident that net neutrality is a concept whose time has passed, or, more accurately, one that technology has outgrown. On October 19, the Federal Communications [...]

Net Neutrality: Revisiting the Repeal

Telecommunications experts are sparring over net neutrality again following Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel’s proposal to reinstate the policy. Net neutrality mandates that internet providers treat all bits the same, and its repeal in 2017 alarmed advocates who warned the internet would no longer be fair, open, or safe. However, the internet thrived [...]

If Biden is serious about broadband, he should oppose net neutrality

Remember the debate over whether net neutrality regulations would stimulate or suppress broadband development? Opponents of the regulations asserted that suppressing business opportunities for internet service providers (ISPs) would lead them to cut back on broadband investment. The regulation proponents struggled to make clear arguments that imposing net neutrality would stimulate investment, but the argument [...]

3 reasons why Biden will kill off net neutrality

There are several reasons to think that a Biden administration will resurrect net neutrality, a policy adopted by the Obama Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2015 and then reversed by the Trump FCC in 2017. Yet there are reasons to believe a Biden administration will actually kill net neutrality. Read Dr. Jamison's complete blog post [...]

Next Practices Live: ICT Working Group – Assessing the Impacts of Net Neutrality on May 28, 2020

Lessons from the pandemic are uncovering flaws in some regulatory thinking. Some claim that net neutrality regulations have led to poor network performance. Others think that such constraints on networks are more important than ever. What's the reality? We were excited to talk with two international experts on this topic. Dr. Roslyn Layton has written [...]